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Spartakiad «Densaulyk Kunі-2018»




On 9-10 November 2018, within the framework of the 90th anniversary of our university, there was held Spartakiad amongst the teaching staff and students.


Spartakiad was held on football, volleyball, table tennis, athletics, chess, togyzkumalak, arm wrestling, tug-of-war, weight lifting. More than 600 athletes attended the event from 8 teams.


Rector of our university, professor Takir Balykbayev opened the sports holiday and wished all athletes good luck in the upcoming games.In addition, he congratulated a student of our university, Aizhan Sharapov, a bronze medalist at the 2nd World Karate Championship in Kyokushin, which took place on November 3-4 in Astana.


The event was opened with a flash mob of about 500 students; a parade of teams, a showing of sporting section of chair of Physical Culture and Sports followed it.

At the end of the Olympics the team of the Institute of Arts, Culture and Sports took the third place with 46 points. The team of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology took the 2nd place with 51 points. The team of the Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics with 66 points won the first place. The prize winners were awarded with a Rector`s letter and a cash prizes. Best players in sports types were awarded .


















Тәрбие, әлеуметтік жұмыстар және
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