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Ordahanova Almagul Baigozhaevna
Ordahanova Almagul Baigozhaevna
I have been working at KazNPU since 2021. I have more than 20 published works. I combine scientific and teaching activities. Dissertation research topics: Master`s thesis: "Word-formation derivation in historical discourse: cognitive and linguistic mechanisms". Specialization 6M012200 - Russian language in schools with a non-Russian language of instruction, 2012; doctoral dissertation: "Word-forming means of cognitive space in historical documentary discourse (on the basis of information of Kazakhstan XX centuries 20-30 years) ". Spec. 6D021300 - Linguistics, September 2017.
SUBJECTS TAUGHT (list by training levels) Bachelor`s degree: Russian language
SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY - the subject of research, the number of publications (specify 5 significant ones). Research interests: linguoculturology, cognitive linguistics. I have more than 20 publications. Формирование казахских топонимов и этнонимов в русском языке Казахстана (на материале исторических документов 20-х гг.) -Прага: Изд-во Педагогического факультета Карлова Университета в Праге, 2014. - 269 с. (С. 114-124.) // Substance And Methods Of Cognitive Approach in Linguistics. Procedia - Social and Behavioral 192 (2015) P. 720-723. 2nd GLOBAL CONFERENCE on LINGUISTICS and FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING, LINELT-2014, Dubai - United Arab Emirates, December 11-13, 2014 (в соавт. Л.К.Жаналиной) // Языковое сознание и когнитивное пространство. «The Seventh European Conference on Languages, Literature and Linguistics». Proceedings of the Conference (june 266 2015). «East West» Association for advanced Studies and Higher Edication GmbH. - Vienna, 2015. - 150 P. (P. 98-102). // Word-forming possibility of cognitive field formation in documental historical discourse. Man in India, 96 (11). 2016. - P. 4625-4634: Serials Publications // Strukture and content of the cognitive discourse space of party-government construction in Kazakhstan in 20-30 years of the 20th centry. Man in India, 97 (21). 2017. - P. 617-622: Serials Publications // Документ как источник сведений о языке эпохи. Вестник ЕНУ им. Л.Н.Гумилева». Серия гуманитарных наук. №3 (106). 2015. - С.203-207.
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