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Kassymova Zhaina Sakenkyzy
Kassymova Zhaina Sakenkyzy
Graduated from Karaganda State University named after E.A. Buketov ( 2019). She has been working at Abai university since 2021. She is engaged in teaching activities.
DISCIPLINES TAUGHT ( list by level of training ) In bachelor`s degree: Practical course of the Russian language (B2)
SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY - research topics, number of publications (indicate 5 significant ones) The master`s thesis was on the topic "Fundamentals of work on Russian vocalism and supersegmental phonetics with native speakers of the Kazakh language". Published 2 articles in foreign journals: 1. "Innovative ways to study the literary text from the perspective of American criticism" / The X International Scientific and Practical Conference "Innovative ways of learning development", March 13 - 15, Varna, Bulgaria. 281 p. 2. "The concept of the "family" in the social structure of society based on the material of a literary text" / The XIII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Information and its impact on social processes", April 03 - 05, Florence, Italy. 316 p.
SCIENTIFIC AND METHODOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES - research topics, number of publications (indicate 5 significant ones).
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