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Nam Natalya Slavikovna
Nam Natalya Slavikovna
BRIEF AUTOBIOGRAPHY Natalya Slavikovna Nam was born on 15 November, 1976 in the city of Yangiyul. In 1994 she graduated from secondary school No. 15, Almaty. Despite the fact that she wanted to study foreign languages or history, at the insistence of her parents, she entered KazATK in the same year for the specialty "Accounting and Audit". After graduation, after working for a year, I left for the Republic of Korea (Seoul), where I studied at one of the top Yonsei universities. After graduating from Yonsei University, she returned to Almaty and worked as a teacher at the Korean Education Center at the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Kazakhstan. Since 2005 she went to work as a translator in South Korean companies. In 2012-2014 she taught Korean and business Korean at Ablai Khan KazUIR and WL. Since 2018 I work as a teacher at the Korean Center for Education and NIS of Physics and Mathematics in Almaty. I constantly improve my skills as a teacher of the Korean language by participating in international programs from the Republic of Korea and the Korean Center.
DISCIPLINES: Basic (Korean) Language, Regional Studies, Introduction to Linguistics, Practical Phonetics and Grammar of a Second Foreign Language, Second Foreign Language B1/B2, Methods of Teaching a Second Foreign Language, Second Foreign Language Western A1/A2
SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY - Subject- language integrated learning as an innovative educational methodology». IX Международная научно-практическая конференция «Инновационный менеджмент и технологии в эпоху глобализаций», стр.95-102. г.Эдинбург (Великобритания), 5-7 Января, 2022г.
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