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On November 29, 2014 at 14.00 on chair of psychology and pedagogical specialties the round table " Елбасы мұраты - ел бақыты ". Undergraduates of the 2nd course of specialties took active part in work of a round table 6M010200 - Pedagogics a technique of elementary education, 6M010300 - Pedagogics and psychology, 6M010100 - Preschool training and education, teachers of chair and doctoral candidates. Questions of the extraordinary Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev " Нұрлы жол " were discussed. Undergraduates in detail acquainted attendees with the main directions of the Message of the President connected with prospects of development of system of the higher and postgraduate education. The prisutstvyushchy took active part in debate on the discussed question in the conclusion.