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   Главная / Sarymbetova Almakul Aidashovna

Sarymbetova Almakul Aidashovna



1959 was born in the Kyzylorda region, in the Yanykorgan region. She graduated from October School No. 54 in 1976. She received her higher education at the Almaty Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages specializing in "teacher of English and French" (1983). She worked as an English teacher in the Kyzylorda region, in the Yanykurgan region in secondary school №163 (1983-1986), was a Methodist of the Department of Education (1986-1990), then was the director of the secondary school №193 (1990-1995).

1995-2014 - Senior teacher of the Foreign Language Teaching Methodology Department of Kazakh State Women`s Pedagogical University.

1998-2011 - created and was the Headmistress of the Lyceum "Dara Bala" at the Kazakh State Women`s Pedagogical University.

2015-2017 - Leading specialist of the Multilingual Center of Kazakh State Women`s Pedagogical University.

2017-2018 - Senior English teacher, head of the English language course at the Kazakh-Russian Medical University

2018-2019 - Senior teacher of the English Department of KazNAU

2019-2021 - Senior teacher of English at the University of Foreign Languages ​​and Business Career

Since 2021 - Senior teacher of the English language at KazNPU named after Abai

Author of about 30 scientific articles



Educational institution


Year of graduation

Almaty Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages

English teacher




Name of the academic degree

Scientific field

Year of awarding the diploma

Candidate of Philology





Year of awarding

The academic title





Bachelor`s degree: practical foreign language (English), main foreign language (English)

Master`s degree: professional foreign Language (English).



At local and foreign international scientific and practical conferences - 30 articles (Kazakhstan, Russia, Poland, Turkey), in journals recommended by the Committee for Control in Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan - 3 articles (Almaty, Kokshetau, Pavlodar), РИНЦ - 7 articles (Russia, iSience Ukraine), ВАК - 6 (Kazakhstan, Russia), International Congress - 3 articles (Turkey: Antalya) and the owner of more than 40 advanced training certificates.

SCOPUS- 1 article (Representation Of The Concept Of Time In The Linguistic Consciousness Opción, Año 35, no. 88, April, 2019, pp. 27-52 ISSN 1012-1587 / ISSNe: 2477-9385).

An expert in the development of a teaching and methodological program in a foreign language in grades 6-12 (Ministry of Education and Science RK and the National Academy of Education named after Y. Altynsarin).



Medal "Kurmet" for contribution to the development of the University of KazGosZhenPU on the 70th anniversary of the university (KazGosZhenPU, 2014)

Letter of thanks "for your merits in the development of education in providing quality education and reasonable upbringing of the younger generation" (National Academy of Education named after Y. Altynsarin, 2021)

Letters of thanks from the rector, dean and department of universities.


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