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Theme of the round table»Problems of teaching physics in school: innovative ideas and educational programs»

January 17, 2019 on the basis of the Department of Physics of the Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics held a round table on the topic «Problems of teaching physics in school: innovative ideas and educational programs». Scientists from national universities and NAS of RK, directors of specialized schools in Almaty, teachers, innovators, representatives of employers took part in the round table.

Presentations were made by: Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor Nurgali Takibayev; Ass. Professor Sheripidin Khamrayev; d.p.n., professor Maira Moldabekova; innovative teacher NIS PMD Boris Kronggart, who noted that a university graduate must be a professional in knowledge of his subject, have fundamental knowledge and innovative approaches in teaching.

The discussion was also attended by heads of educational institutions - Director of KSU «Lyceum No. 134» of Almaty Vyacheslav Shileev; Director of the specialized school-lyceum № 90 Almaty Kulbai Umeshbaev.

It was noted that the teaching of physics at school is traditionally associated with practical training, the introduction of innovative techniques that involve the transmission of information that the student will use in the future to achieve success. The role of the teacher in this process is enormous. It is very important that a teacher, especially a graduate of pedagogical universities, has a set of knowledge, skills, competencies and techniques that will allow him to be a key figure in the educational process.


As recommendations, the participants of the round table proposed to pay great attention to the fundamental training of future physics teachers. When developing educational programs, focus on: the creation of practice-oriented modules in physics; development of creative and mental skills of students; the formation of an atmosphere of cooperation in the interaction of teachers and students.








Chair of physics