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Kasenova Asemgul Daurenovna


Asemgul Daurenovna Kasenova has been working at the Institute of Archeology of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan since 2008, immediately after graduating from the Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute. The formation of scientific interests of Asemgul Daurenovna began during her studies at the Institute, the first archaeological practice took place in the May district of Pavlodar region.  In 2010, she graduated from the Master`s degree program of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and received a master`s degree in pedagogical sciences in the specialty "History". Participated in the implementation of fundamental research on the following topics: "Paleoeconomics and socio-cultural processes on the territory of Kazakhstan in the era of stone and Bronze", "Study of the historical experience of economic activity of ancient societies of the era of stone and paleometall Saryarka and adjacent territories", "Culture of the population of Kazakhstan from the Stone Age to ethnographic modernity according to archaeological sources". She also took an active part in the study of the settlement of Chirik-Rabat and Balanda (under the program "Cultural Heritage"), worked under the program "Grant funding" on the topic "Study of monuments of the Chirik-Rabat culture in the lower reaches of the Syr Darya (the second half of the I millennium BC)" - led a field detachment.

Asemgul Daurenovna Kasenova is the author of one monograph and two monographs in co-authorship, has more than 50 published scientific articles and abstracts in republican journals and collections of international scientific conferences. She completed a scientific internship abroad (advanced training) in Italy (Rome, Florence, Pisa) and in Russia (Moscow, Kemerovo).






Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute, Pavlodar, Kazakhstan



Al-Farabi Kazakh State National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan



Kemerovo State University,

Kemerovo, Russian Federation

Postgraduate studies, PhD doctoral studies




Name of the academic degree



Candidate of Historical Sciences (diploma of KAN No. 008337).

History and archaeology


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) (diploma GD No. 0000041).





1. Archaeology


SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY - Ancient and medieval stone sculptures of steppe Eurasia

1. Kassenova A.D., Darmenov R. T. K voprosu on the functional meaning of drevnego gorodišća Chirik-Rabat / / Sovremennyye soloreniya aktualnyh problem of Eurasia archaeology: SB. Nauka. St. / OTV. Red.A. A. Tishkin. - Barnaul: Izdatelstvo Altaiskogo gosudarstvennogo universitet 2013.

2. Utubaev J. R., Kasenova A. D., Darmenov R. T. Razvitiye gorodskoy kulьtury Priaralyya V antičnuyu epohu / / international scientific conference School of molodyh archeologov Stran SNG "Sovremennyye mezhdisciplinarniye podhodы K izučeniyu I sohraneniyu archeologicheskogo naseljiya". Moscow - 23-26 November 2013

3. Lazolenko L. N., Kurmankulov L. K., Kasenova A.D. Nekotorye Itogi izučeniya izvajanyi rannego železnogo century Saryarki / / Archeologicheskoye naslovye Siberia and Central Asia( problems of interpretation and sohraneniya): mat-ly mezhdunar. conf. - Kemerovo: Kuzbassvuzizdat, 2016.

4. Lazolenko L. N., Kurmankulov Z. K., Kasenova Izváyanie from the Valley of the rivers of Zhangabyl: peripetii attribucii / / Archeologiya southern Siberia. K 40-letiyu kafedry archeology Kemerovskogo gosudarstvennogo University. - VIP. 27. - Kemerovo, 2016.

5. Kassenova A. D. Kipchak sanctuaries of Saryarka / / "Conservation of Terracotta archaeological Artifacts", Florence, Italy - october 2018 G. 


1. Lazolenko L. N., Kurmankulov L. K., Kasenova A. D. Kypchakskie svyatilišva Sary-Arki Kniga-Albom. Astana: Punishment, 2017. 162 s.

2. Kassenova A.D. Kamennyye izváynyy Saryarki (history of studies). - Almaty: Institute of Archaeology. A. H. Margulana - 2020. - 196 C.

3. Ұұrmanқұlov Ž., Ермолlenko L. N., Ә.D. Aasenova Ortalyæaқ Tas mossinderi (zerttelu tarihy). - Almaty: Institute of Archaeology. A. H. Margulana - 2021. - 128b. ill.

Basic scientific work (author bolee 50 scientific work)

1. Lazolenko L. N., Kasenova A. D. Vklad A. H. Margulana V izučenie drevneй kamennoy skulptury Centralnogo Kazakh / / Vestnik Kemerovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. - 2014. - № 3 (59). - T. 2. - S. 20-23

2. Lazolenko L. N., Kurmankulov L. K., Kassenova A.D. New days about the specific diversity of the izvaynyy sakskoy epochi / / Vestnik Kemerovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. - 2015. - №1 (61). - T. 3. S. 26-32

3. Kassenova A.D. Kamennye straži Saryarki / / Electronic Science journal "" UDC 902/904 (574) № 4, 2017

4. Kassenova a. D. Izučeniye türkskih kamennыh izvaяный Saryarki na sovremennom Epe / / Povolzhskaya archeology. - 2019. - № 2 (28). S. 47-60


5. Kassenova A.D. problems of the study of the rocky landscape of central Kazakhstan / / Voprosy istorii. - 2022.№ 3 (1). - S. 258-264



1. Kassenova a. D. history of ancient and medieval stone studies of Saryarki / dis. ... Kand. East. science. - Kemerovo, 2019a - 187 s

2. Kassenova a. D. history of ancient and medieval stone studies of Saryarki / Autoref. dis. ... Kand. East. science. - Kemerovo, 2019b - - 32 s.



2019 Diploma "Kurmet" of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

2018 Medal "The best young specialist" in the field of science

(No. 0021, Decree of the RSE "Republican Educational and Methodological Center for Additional Education" of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 13.05.2018)


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