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To the opening of the Year of Youth in Kazakhstan




President N.A. Nazarbayev in his Address to the people of Kazakhstan dated January 5, 2018. «Growing welfare of kazakh citizens: increase in income and quality of life» stressed that «... complex support of Youth and Family Institute should become a priority of state policy, it is necessary to create a large-scale social platform that will fully cover the activities of all the youth categories», and declared 2019 the Year of Youth.

On January 23, a forum dedicated to the opening of the Year of Youth in Kazakhstan was held at the EXPO exhibition complex in Astana. Head of State Nursultan Nazarbayev and government representatives, young celebrities took part in the solemn event.

At the forum, young people who work and study in different areas shared their achievements in their field of life and thanked President Nursultan Nazarbayev «... for the opportunity for young people to work and serve the country». In turn, the Head of State spoke about the most important tasks facing the youth.

Professors and students of Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, like everyone in Kazakhstan, watched and listened to the course of the solemn forum on TV. Rector of the University, Professor Takir Balykbayev told about the preparation for the Year of Youth and about the most significant events for its holding in high school. The students were assured that they would take an active part in all the campaigns dedicated to the Year of Youth, and promised to respond to the care of the state with good learning results.

















Department of Public Relations