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   Главная / Bersugir Mukhamedi Amiruly

Bersugir Mukhamedi Amiruly



Born June 4, 1968. In 1993 he graduated from the Kyzylorda Institute of Agro-Industrial Engineers named after I. Zhakhaev, and in 1994 the Kyzylorda Pedagogical Institute named after Korkyt-Ata. From 2001-2002 he worked as a senior lecturer at the Department of Mechanics and Machine Parts at KazATK named after M. Tynyshpayeva. From 2001-2003 he worked as a research intern, and from 2003-2006 as a graduate student at the Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of KazNTU K.I. Satpayeva. From 2006 to 2007 he worked as an assistant at the Department of “PPMT” of KazNTU named after K.I. Satpayeva. From 2007-2009 he worked as a senior lecturer at the Department of Mathematics at KazNTU K.I. Satpayeva. From August 2009 to June 2010 he worked as the head of the control and evaluation Department of KazNPU named after Abaya. In 2010, he defended his PhD thesis at the joint dissertation council of KazNU al-Farabi. Thesis topic: “Analytical solutions of some tasks of dynamics of solid bodies and applied theory of gyroscope” (01.02.01 – Theoretical mechanics). From 2011-2021 he worked as a senior teacher, acting. associate professor, head of the Department of Mechanics, ENU named after L.N. Gumilyov. From September 2022 to August 2023, he worked as the head of the Department of Information Systems and Technologies at Esil University. Since September 2023, senior lecturer at the Department of Mathematics and Mathematical Modeling at KazNPU named after Abaya. 



Educational Institution


Graduation Date

Kzyl-Orda Institute of Agro-Industrial Engineers named after I. Zhakhaeva

Mechanical Engineer


Kyzylorda Pedagogical Institute named after Korkyt-Ata

Teacher of mathematics, computer science and CT





Name of academic degree

Field of science

Date of issue of diploma

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

01.02.01 – Theoretical mechanics





Undergraduate studies: Linear algebra and analytical geometry, Mathematical analysis


SCIENTIFIC AND METHODOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES – mathematics, mechanics, computer science

1.    Tussupov J., Kozhabai K., Bayegizova A., Kassenova L., Manbetova Z., Glazyrina N., Bersugir M., Yeginbayev M. Applying machine learning to improve a texture type image // Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, Vol.2, No.2(122) (2023), pp.13-18. ISSN:1729-3774. DOI:10.15587/1729-4061.2023.275984. CiteScore за 2023 год 2.0. Процентиль Computer Science – 34.

2.    Берсүгір М.Ә., Әсемжар Б.О. Движение динамический симметричного тела в случае Эйлера // Сборник материалов XII Международной научно-практической конференции «Научная мысль: перспективы развития» (3 апреля 2023), ISВN 978-5-89971-926-4, Армавир АГПУ, 2023. – С.177-180.

3.    Abdykerimova L., Abdikerimova G., Konyrkhanova A, Nurova G., Bazarova M., Bersugir M., Kaldarova M., Yerzhanova A. Analysis of the emotional coloring of text using machine and deep learning methods //  International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) Vol.14, No.3, (2024), pp. 3055-3063. ISSN:2088-8708, DOI: 10.11591/ijece.v14i3. CiteScore за 2023 год 4.1. Процентиль Computer Science – 65.

4.    Берсүгір М.Ә., Маматова Г.У., Нурпейсова А.А., Онгарбаева М.Б, Алтынбекова Ж.Т. Текстуралық типтегі суреттерді жақсарту үшін машиналық оқыту әдістерін қолдану // Известия Национальной академии наук Республики Казахстан. Серия физика и информатика. №4 (348) – Алматы: 2023. – С.104-116, ISSN:2518-1726 (online).

5.    Турусбекова У.К., Берсүгір М.Ә. Исследование алгоритма Сильвера-Полига-Хеллмана в задачах дискретного логарифмирования // Вестник Национальной инженерной академии Республики Казахстан. №1 (91). – Алматы: 2024. – С.206-213, ISSN:2709-4693.



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