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Cognitive meeting «The future of the nation in the hands of young people»




On February 5, a cognitive meeting of the university`s youth was held with the Vice-Rector of the Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T. Zhurgenov, Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, soloist of the MuzArt group, famous singer Saken Maygaziev.


The meeting was also attended by the chairman of the youth wing of the Nur Otan party - Zhas Otan, Almaty, Marat Zhaksybek.


The event was opened by the Vice-Rector for educational work and social development of the University Zhanatbek Ishpekbayev. He presented Saken Maygaziyev to the students who had gathered for a meeting and briefly described the creative and organizational activities. Then there was an exchange of views with young people about the state of culture and the arts, in particular the performing song. The guest shared his memories of interesting events in life and work. Students asked questions; The answers to them were very interesting and informative.


Chairman of the Almaty city youth wing of the Nur Otan party - Zhas Otan, Marat Zhaksybek congratulated those present on the Year of Youth and noted that the country had started developing an Action Plan for the 2019th, which is compiled, primarily, with the interests of the representatives themselves. younger generation.


At the meeting, a concert program was presented with the participation of Tazhmina Daniyarkyzy, Khomenko Olesya, students. Guests received memorable gifts.


Then Saken Maygaziev was at the reception of the rector of the university Takir Balykbaev. Between universities signed a Memorandum of Cooperation.


The meeting was organized by activists of the University Youth Committee and the youth wing of the Nur Otan party - Zhas Otan, Almaty.