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Kazakhbayeva Gulnur Iskakbekovna
Kazakhbayeva Gulnur Iskakbekovna
BRIEF BIOGRAPHY Date of birth - 04.01.1984 in Almaty, nationality - Kazakh, higher education, scientific and pedagogical. In 2000, she graduated from the multidisciplinary Kazakh Gymnasium No. 161 named after Zh. Zhabaev in Almaty. From 2000 to 2003, she studied at No. 1 Almaty Pedagogical College (diploma with honors) Bachelor`s degree in 2003-2006. Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai (diploma with honors) Master`s degree in 2006-2008 Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai (diploma with honors) Work experience: 2008-2009 - Lecturer at the Department of Social Pedagogy and Psychology of KazNPU named after Abay 2009-2011 - Lecturer at the Department of Theory and Methodology of Initial Military Training of KazNPU named after Abay 2011-2015 - Inspector of the Scientific and Technical Laboratory of Preventive Suicidology of KazNPU named after Abay 2015-2018 - Inspector of the Department of Research, Research and Innovation of the Department of Science of KazNPU named after Abay 2018-2021 - Senior Lecturer at the Department of General and Applied Psychology of Abay KazNPU From 2021 to the present.Vremya is a senior lecturer at the Department of Physical Culture and Sports of KazNPU named after Abay
TAUGHT SUBJECTS Psychology of physical culture and sports Pedagogy of physical culture and sports Ethics of sports and competitions
SCIENTIFIC WORKS 1. Studentterdin pedagogicalyk ic-ereketke dayyndygyn kalyptastyrudyn maseleri. Abai atyndagi KazUPU Khabarshysy, "Pedagogikalyk gylymdar", No.4, 2021, 143-147pp. 2. Kazirgi mektep jagdayinda zhas mugalimderdin emotionaldy kazhuy. Materiály XVII Mezinárodní vědecké a praktické konference Moderni vymozenosti védy - 2021. Volum-4: Praha, 2021. - P. 65-70 3. Assessment of the psychological readiness of students of pedagogical universities for professional activity. Quarterly scientific and educational journal "Questions of Education" (ISSN 1814-9545, E-ISSN 2412-4354) 2021. No. 3. pp. 114-137 Scopus - Q2 4. Sportshynn tacticalyk dayyndygynn psychologiyalyk yerekshelikteri. Materials of the XVIII International scientific and practical Conference "Modern European science" - Sheffield, UK, 2022. - pp. 9-15 5. Sport zhane tulganyn koshbashylyk kasietteri. Materials of the XVIII International scientific and practical Conference "Modern European science" - Sheffield, UK, 2022. - pp. 9-15 6. On the role of physical exercise for office workers. Materiály XX Mezinárodní vĕdecko - praktická konference "Věda a technologie: krok do budoucosti" - Praha, Volume 4, 2023. - pp. 63-68 7. Rationalization of the process of formation of pedagogical skills of future specialists in physical culture and sports. International scientific and practical conference "System of development of innovative processes in the field of "Initial military and technological training", "Physical culture and sports" - Almaty: KazNPU named after Abay, 2023. - pp. 70-78. Published textbooks (in coauthor): - Psychodiagnosticalyk adistemeler, aleumettik-psychologiyalyk training center. - Almaty: "BAUO "Orleu", 2014, - 104b.; - Psychophysiology of behavior and stress tolerance of modern youth. - Almaty: "KazNPU named after Abay", 2013, - 96c.; - Mektep okushylarynn psychologiyalyk densaulygyn preventative aldyn alu. - Almaty: "Abai atyndagi KazUPU", 2012, - 102b.; - Psychological and pedagogical intervention of acute crisis conditions in adolescence. - Almaty: "KazNPU named after Abay", 2011, - 150s.; - Fundamentals of military psychology: an educational and methodical manual. - Almaty, 2010, -156c.
AWARDS 1. 2023 badge "Uzdik kyzmetker", KazNPU named after Abai ← Кері оралу |
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