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Malikkyzy Laura



26.08.1985 year of birth, Kazakh, higher education.

1992-2003 graduate of Tausugur secondary school, Enbekshikazakh district, Almaty region.

2003-2008 Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai ("5B011300 - biology)

Masters 2013-2015 Al-Farabi National University ("6M011300-Biology")

Doctoral studies 2017-2020 Abai Kazakh National University ("6D011200-Chemistry")


2008-2024 Works as a senior lecturer at the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University



educational institution


Graduation time

Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University (5 years old)

5V011300 - biology


Al-Farabi National University (master`s degree 2 years)

6M011300 - biology




Age physiology school hygiene

Adapted Physical Education

Biomechanics of physical culture and sports

Sports biochemistry


scientific works

1.Use of actual environmental data in the preparation of future environmental experts. KazNPU named after Abai. Messenger. Pedagogy - Psychology. (FTAMP 87.01.45 No. 4 (37), 2018) Art. 185-189 (5 pp.) Zhanbekov H.N., Katpaeva L.M.

2.Formation of environmental competencies of future specialists in pedagogical universities of KazNPU them, Abai. Messenger. Pedagogy - Psychology. (FTAMP 87.01.45 No. 3, 2020) Articles 136-143 (p. 7) Malikovna L., Zhanbekov H.N.,

Rogovaya O.G.

3.Environmental education of future teachers as an important condition for the formation of environmental competence. Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan 6 (394)

4.December 2021 (ISSN 1991-3494 ISSN) UDC 378.096126-131. (6 pp.) Zhanbekov H.N., Malikovna L., Sagimbaeva A.E., Nugmanova L.A.

5.Ecological competence of future teachers of pedagogical higher education institutions. КазНПУ name of Abay. Bulletin No. 2 (396) (ISSN 2518-1467) 120-128 (p. 8) of Malikkyza L., Zhanbekov of H.H., A.E. Sagimbayeva, Nugmanova L.A.

6.The use of actual environmental data in the training of future environmental specialists of KazNPU them, Abai. Messenger. Pedagogy - Psychology. (FTAMP 87.01.45 No. 4 (37), 2018) Art. 185-189 (5 pp.) Zhanbekov H.N., Katpaeva L.M.

7.Psychological and pedagogical foundations of environmental education at the university. In memory of A. Kusainov and the 80th anniversary of the birth of A. Kusainov "First Kusainov Readings," materials of the international scientific and practical conference "Science and Education in the 21st Century: Trends and Prospects." 09.12.2022, Astana (ISSN 978-601-80942-1-7) VKK 001 72136-138 (p. 3) Malikkyzy L, Zhanbekov HN, Shokibaev Zh.A.

8.Education of students in the formation of subjects with radioecological knowledge. Materials of the XVII International Scientific Practical Conference. 17-25.11.2022. No. 3, SOFIA "BYAL GRAD-BG ODD" (ISSN 1561-6908) 110-117 (page 7) Malikovna L., Zhanbekov H.N., Shokibaev Zh.A.

9.Teaching of the aral - syrdarya basin in the higher educational institution. Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.N. Herzen International Scientific and Practical Conference November 14-17, 2017 260-264 b. (4 bet) Zhanbekov K H., Zhurgimbaeva L.M., Katpaeva L.M.

10.Formation of the education system as a factor in improving the quality of environmental and pedagogical education. Materialy xv mezinarodni vedeco-prakticka konference 22 - 30 ledna 2019 r. Volume 7 Praha Publishing House "Education and Science" 2019 (ISBN 978-966-8736-05-6) p. 1-14 (p. 14) Katpaeva L.M., Zhanbekov H.N., Rogovaya O.G.

11.Study of electrocatalytic properties of nickel composite electrodes. Materials of the VII International Scientific-Practical Conference. 9-11.03.2022. Korea. Daegu. No. 1 (ISSN 978-601-267-398-2) 131-135 (4 bet) Sagimbaeva A.E., Katpaeva L.M., Birtalaev E.K.

12.Chemistry (Textbook) is presented in the publishing house by the Academic Council of the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University. Protocol No. 3 Almaty, 2021 180bet Zhanbekov H.N., Sagimbaeva A.E., Nugmanova L.A., Malievna L.


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