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   Главная / Sapar Yerbolat Tazabekuly

Sapar Yerbolat Tazabekuly



01.02.2000 year of birth, Kazakh, higher education.

In 2006-2017 he graduated from school No. 163.

2017-2021 Graduate of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai.

Master`s degree 2021-2023. Abai Kazakh National University 

Work experience:

On March 8, 2021, he worked as a "methodologist" in the institution "improvement of mass sports work of the Karasay district" in Karasay district, Almaty region.

In 2023, he is currently working at the Abai Kaznpu. At the Department of" Physical Culture and sports " as a teacher.



Educational institution


Graduation time

Abai Kazakh National University

5B01404-Physical education and sports

2021 y.

Abai Kazakh National University

7m01404-Master of Physical Culture and Sports, Pedagogical Sciences

2023 y



Methods of teaching gymnastics

Physical Culture

National sports and teaching methods

Sports games (basketball, table tennis) teaching methods

Sports Metrology



1. Directions of organization of mass sports work among schoolchildren of the city / / Higher School of Kazakhstan.  "International Scientific and Pedagogical Publication", pp. 93-99 (19) 2022. ISSN 1560-1749

2. Ways of organizing mass sports work among schoolchildren abroad / / research of young scientists: physical culture, sports, tourism, collection of scientific articles by students and young scientists pp. 79-83 (19) 2022. ISBN 9965-653-83


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