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Azilbek Laila
Azilbek Laila
SHORT AUTOBIOGRAPHY Azilbek Laila, ethnic Kazakh, was born in 1994 in the Kunes district of the Shuar Republic of the People`s Republic of China. In 2000-2012, I studied at the Chinese school in Kunes district.
TEACHING SUBJECTS Bachelor`s degree: "Physical chemistry"; "Colloid chemistry"; "Physical and colloidal chemistry"; "Geochemistry"; "Computer chemistry"; "Chemical Kinetics and Electrochemistry".
SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY Several scientific articles have been published in domestic publications: 2. Azilbek Laila, Bazhikova G.B, Kemelbek Moldir. 5-butyl 1,3-dioxane and its derivatives synthesis // Materials of XX International Scientific and Practical Conference named after Professor L.P. Kuleva of students and young students - Tomsk, May 20-23, 2019.- P.495. ISBN 978-5-4387-0870-4. 3. Azilbek Laila, Bazhikova G.B. Synthesis of 5-butyl-1,3-dioxane and some of its derivatives // "Modern aspects of chemical science and chemical education: theory and practice" Academician of the National Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Science, Professor E.A. Bekturov`s 90th birthday and PhD, Professor B.A. International scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Mansurov - Almaty, 2021.-C.259-263. ISBN 978-601-353-069-7
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Call-орталығы: 8 (727) 221 85 14
Психологиялық қызмет секторы: 8 700 976 89 97
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