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Yessentayeva Bakytkul
Yessentayeva Bakytkul
A brief autobiography Bakytkul Yessentayeva, born in 1991, senior lecturer at the Department of Primary Education of the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, Master of Pedagogical Sciences. Scientific experience-more than 10 years, experience in KazNPU - 2 years.
Subjects taught Bachelor`s degree: Development of innovative educational products, Basic theories of primary education, Psychology of primary education, Interaction and communication, experience of creative thinking in business.
Scientific activity-research topic, number of publications Research topic: Preparation of future teachers of primary education to activate learning and cognitive activity of pupils through elements of artificial intelligence. More than 30 scientific articles have been published, Bulletin of KazNU. Psychology and Sociology series. №3 (78). 2021, 56- 65c. https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5095-8223
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