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Shadibekov Tastemir Turmagambetovich
Shadibekov Tastemir Turmagambetovich
BRIEF BIOGRAPHY 08.02.1999 year of birth, Kazakh, higher education. 2005-2016 graduate of T. Ibragimov Secondary School of the Otyrar district of Turkestan region. 2016-2020 KazNPU named after Abay Master`s degree 2020-2022 KazNPU named after Abay Work experience 2021-2024 Physical education teacher of Secondary school No. 49 in Karaoi village, Ili district, Almaty region 2022-2023. Physical education teacher of KazGU named after Abylai Khan
SUBJECTS TAUGHT Physical Culture Volleyball and teaching methods Football and teaching methods
SCIENTIFIC WORKS 1. Collection of scientific articles by students and young scientists " research of young scientists: physical culture, sports , tourism " Almaty.K. 2022, pp. 104-110.//components and indicators of professional training of students based on the use of innovative technologies. 2. Materials of the republican scientific and practical conference "trends in the formation of pedagogical etiquette and school culture through the educational process" Almaty 2024, pp. 40-43.//using innovative technologies and platforms to improve the quality of modern education.
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