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Education program
" Speech culture of Russian speakers "

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, docent of Moscow State Pedagogical University (Moscow, Russia) Elena Levlandovna Erokhina gives lectures on the program " Speech culture of Russian speakers " from 20 till 30 April 2015 in KazNPU named after Abai at the chair of philological disciplines for foreign nationals .
Goal of the training course: the formation and development of the communicative competence of the expert - party professional communication in Russian in various spheres of activity.
The course will cover the following questions:
Language. Speech. Culture.
Culture of speech.
Communicative speech quality.
Culture of public speaking.
Training course visited lecturers of the chair of practical languages, chair of Russian Language and Literature, the chair of philological disciplines for foreign nationals of the Institute of Philology and the Institute of multilingual education.


Information was prepared by prof. S.B. Begaliyeva and B.S. Balgazina