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Urban tournament (olympiad) of upperclassmen in economics



Scientific and Practical Center «Daryn» MES RK held XIII city tournament of upperclassmen in economics at the department of «Jurisprudence» of the Institute of History and Law of Abai KazNPU. The main goal of the tournament is to identify talented students interested in mastering the fundamentals of economics as a science, supporting them, developing them and preparing initial vocational training for students in the field of economics.

Pupils of 10, 11 grades of gymnasiums for gifted children, lyceums and secondary schools took part in the city economy tournament among schoolchildren.

In the framework of the economic tournament, there were conducted theoretical and practical tours. During the competition, the participants were able to demonstrate the ability to quickly make decisions in business development, in shaping the marketing policy of the company, in the research work of the company and in managing financial resources. Their work was evaluated by members of the commission formed from among the teaching staff of the department.

As a result, the winners of the tournament were awarded diplomas of Department of Education of Almaty. The winners who took the I and II places received a ticket to participate in the Republican Economy Tournament, which will be held in Almaty (on the basis of the Kazakh-British Technical University) on March 26-28, 2019. 








Institute of History and Law