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Methodical festival «University spring - 2019»

The V-Methodical Festival «University Spring-2019» was held, on the base of the Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, on April 20, 2019, timed to coincide with the 2019th Year of Youth of Kazakhstan and held as an innovative open review of educational achievements and methodological, managerial competence of future teachers.

Its author and organizer is the Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy on the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology Svetlana Zhumasheva. This educational, scientifically-methodical project is held annually since 2015. Thus, according to the festival program, students participated in the distance-correspondence round at the «Menin Qalauym-Ruhani Zhangyru» pedagogical essay competition, «the Vivat Management!» Competition of subject newspapers and at the «Portfolio of the future teacher-manager» exhibition.

The theoretical knowledge of future teachers was tested on the main tour, where they, together with the other participant, presented for the defense «Self-Presentation of the Creative Group» and took part in the blitz-tour «Management Experts»; in addition, in the «Management Cases» tour, in solving various contradictions and conflicts of modern schools, it`s tour demonstrated the management skills and organizational skills of the participants.

In the final round of the Speakers Contest, all participants were interested in discussing such pressing social problems as features of a modern renewed school curriculum, effective time management for a teacher, problems of educating a student in the digital age, bad habits and safety in social networks, anti-corruption technologies.

In honor of the university holiday of Nauryz, an interactive advertising campaign «Kazaktyn ulttyk kіymderі» and a photo of students «Konildi koktem» were conducted.

The festival ended according to tradition with the festival anthem and awarding participants in various categories.