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The tasks set in the Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan are being implemented


As you know, the Head of State Kassym-Zhomart Tokaev in his Address to the people of Kazakhstan raised a number of important issues related to the education system, and identified specific tasks for university leaders.

A lot of work has been done at Abai KazNPU under the item «A new stage of social modernization» in the areas of «Improving the quality of education», «Supporting the institution of family and childhood, creating an inclusive society» and «Further developing the system of social support».

In order to develop the domestic system of teacher training and support for educated youth, to develop a vocational guidance policy, the university provides discounts for students in the amount of 10-100%.

As a result, in 2019, 316 holders of the Altyn Belgі, 182 applicants who graduated from high school with honors, and 47 college graduates with a red diploma were accepted for study. As for the quality of education, 12 students became holders of the Presidential Scholarship in the 2018/2019 academic year.

Given the lack of qualified teachers in urban and rural schools, special work is being done to increase the pedagogical experience of graduates and expand the scope of the program «With a diploma to the village». Due to the problem of lack of teaching experience of university graduates, the time spent on internship for 4th year students has been extended. The teaching staff was sent to exchange experiences in the city`s schools. There are also special free English courses for students who wish to continue their studies in graduate and doctoral programs at the university.

In order to ensure the employment of graduates and the relationship with employers, in 2019 a mobile application of KazNPU «Mansap» was developed, which greatly facilitates the job search for university graduates. In 2019, out of 1800 university graduates, 97% were employed. In collaboration with employers, 120 graduates were employed at the Job Fair (2018 - 95).

Much attention is paid to the social support of students. In addition to providing hostels for students from low-income and large families, they were given discounts for tuition. Also, recently at the Sorbonne-Kazakhstan Institute of Abai KazNPU, we launched the project «Izgilik Elshіsі»/ «Accelerator of Good» together with the Anti-Corruption Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty. Volunteers of the project and charity clubs, university staff help needy families with many children and parents raising children who need special care.

Further training of teachers is carried out in regularly conducted courses in various disciplines, Winter and Summer schools, in internships and English courses organized by the university with the participation of foreign experts.

As for the personnel potential, since January 2019, the salaries of teachers and university staff have been increased to an average of 26 percent. At present, 71 teachers, who have achieved high marks in the corresponding rating, have an additional fee.

In December 2019, it is planned to increase the salaries of the teaching staff of our university.

In the educational activities of the Abai KazNPU, the «Rukhani Zhangyru» program is being implemented, constant work is being done to improve student self-government, develop mass sport and the creative potential of students, and provide social support to students.

The university management uses all communication links to ensure transparency and accessibility, as well as to maintain stable relations with the public.