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Dedication to students: «My choice is Abai KazNPU»


Dedication to students is an important and exciting moment in the life of every freshman, full of bright emotions and unforgettable impressions.

On October 18, 2019, in the concert hall of the Kazakh State Philharmonic named after Zhambyl, initiation into students «My Choice - Abai KazNPU» was held.

As part of the event, an exhibition of the work of student clubs and the Institute of Arts, Culture and Sports was organized.

The rector of the university Takir Balykbaуev opened the solemn event, he congratulated the new university students on this holiday. Then guests of the event-rector of the Kazakh National Medical University named after S. Asfendiyarov, Professor Talgat Nurgozhin, Head of the Republican Design Office «Sanaly Urpaq» of Anti-Corruption Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kairzhan Tokushev, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of newspaper «Ana Tili» Daurzhan Tolebaev. The rector and honored guests presented student cards to Altyn Belgi holders who scored high points on the basis of UNT.

In turn, Kairzhan Tokushev handed over special certificates to the members of the student club «Sanaly Urpaq».

After the official part, the event continued with a concert program of creative teams of the university. Students sang songs, danced and gave the audience a wonderful festive mood. Of particular interest was the musical congratulation of foreign students and members of the student «Assembly».

The concert ended with a performance of the Academic Folklore Ethnographic Orchestra named after N. Tlendieva. Nurgis Tlendiyev`s kuis «Ata Tolgauy» and «Makhambet» were sounded, as well as the song «Oz еlim» was performed by the B. Baykadamov State Choir.

The impressions of students, teachers and guests from the event were the warmest and most joyful.

















Департамент по воспитательной,
социальной работе и молодежной политике