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Makhayeva Aitkul



Aitkul Shayymkulovna Makhaeva was born on April 11, 1965 in the village of Alga, Kurday district, Zhambyl region. In 1989, she graduated with honors from the History Department of the Kazakh State University named after S.M. Kirov, majoring in History, with the qualification "Historian. Teacher of history and social studies". In 1995, she graduated from the graduate school of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University in history and defended her PhD thesis. In 2009, she defended her doctoral dissertation "The history of Kazakh-Kyrgyz political relations (the second half of the XVIII-early XX century)" and received the degree of Doctor of Historical Sciences. Since 1989, he has been conducting scientific and teaching activities.  From 2012 to 2016, she headed the Department of History of Kazakhstan named after Academician T.S.Sadykov (2012-2015) and the Department of World History (2015-2016) of KazNPU named after Abaya.  Currently, he is a professor at the Department of World History of KazNPU. Abaya. For 30 years she has been a supervisor and mentor of undergraduates and doctoral students. The sphere of scientific interests is the history and culture of the Turkic peoples, the history of relations between the peoples of Central Asia. He is the author of more than 200 publications. Takes an active part in research projects. The object of the study: The peoples of Central Asia: interrelation and mutual influence (the second half of the XVIII -early XX centuries).



Educational institution


Graduation date

Kazakh State University

named after S.M.Kirov Historian.

Teacher of History and Social Studies




Name of the academic degree

Field of science

Date of issue of the diploma

Candidate of Historical Sciences



Doctor of Historical Sciences





Name of academic title

Date of assignment 

Associate Professor


University Professor




- History and Culture of Central Asia

- History of the Turkic peoples, religion and culture

- Modern theories and methodologies in history

- New directions of foreign historiography

- Basic conceptual models of the historical process


SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY - the subject of research, the number of publications of the Monograph:

1. Toyshybek bi zhane onyn zamany. - Almaty: Bayanzhurek, 2006. - 202 b.

2. Kazak-kyrgyz sayasi baylanystaryn tarikhy (XVII gasyrdyn ekinshi zhartysy - XX gasyrdyn bas kezi). - Almaty: Securities, 2007. - 357 b.

3. Cossack-Kyrgyz taryhynan (XVII kilymdyn ekinci zharymy - XX kilymdyn bashi). -  Bishkek: Kyrgyz Republikasyn Uluttuk Ilimder akademiyasy, 2011. - 256 b. (on Kyrgyz. language). Second edition: - Bishkek:Print Express, 2022. - 400 b.

4. Zhetisu: XIX gasyrdyn ekinshi zhartysy men XX gasyrdyn bas kezindegi kogamdyk-sayasi  uderister tarikhynan. - Almaty: Abay atyndagy Kazpu "Ulagat" baspasy, 2022. 2-basylym, ondelip, tolyktyrylgan. - 234 b.

5. Kazak memlekettiligi zhane Alashorda. Uzymdyk monograph. - Almaty: "Litera-M" ZHSHS, 2018. - 720 b.

SCIENTIFIC AND METHODOLOGICAL ACTIVITY - research topics, number of publications

Training manuals:

1. Kazak komitetteri (kurylu tarikhy zhane kyzmeti). - Almaty: Sanat, 1995. - 39 b.

2. Kone turikterdin rukhani madenieti. Komekshi oku kuraly. - Almaty: Kazakhstan university, 2002. - 80 b.

3. Zhetisudagi azattyk kozgalys. Komekshi oku kuraly. - Almaty: KazMemKyzPU, 2011. -167 b. (co-authored).

4. Zhetisu: eleusiz kalgan esimder. Kuzhattar men materialdar zhinagi. - Almaty, 2015. - 273 b.

5. Kone turikter: aleumettik-madeni omiri men tarikhi tanymy maseleri.    Darister courses(Course of lectures) // "kk/plans/6242 /BilimLand - koptildi bilim I take online

platforms. 2022 lived.     

6. Kazakstannyn yezhelgi zhane ortagasyrlyk tarikhy. Darister courses (Course of lectures) // Abay atyndagy KazUPU. Distanciyalyk okytu // Scientific articles: More than 200 publications have been published in national and foreign publications, including 3 articles in the journal with the Scopus index.-  19. Yüzyılın Son Çeyreğinde Doğu Türkistan`daki Milli Mücadelede Kazak ve Kırgızların Rolü. Belleten, Cilt:LXXXIII-Sayı:296-Yıl:2019 Nisan. Sayfa 229-261. - Ankara, 2019. ISSN 0041-4255 "tr/pub/ttkbelleten/issue/52436/687675 (co-authored).

- The Influence of Yettishar on Kazakh and Kyrgyzs of the Turkestan Governor-General of the Russian Empire // E-ISSN: 2310-0028 Vol. 55. Is. 1. pp. 142-151. 2020 DOI: 10.13187/bg.2020.1.142 Journal homepage:"journals_n/1584466483.pdf (co-authored).

- Role of the Tatars in the Socio-Political Life of Semirechye at the beginning of the twentieth century // Published in the USA Bylye Gody Has been issued since 2006. E-ISSN: 2310-0028 2022. 17(2): 922-933 DOI: 10.13187/bg.2022.2.922 Journal homepage: (co-authored).

- Turki halyktaryn ozara baylanystaryn zertteudin keybir maseleri (XIX g. ekinshi zhartysy men XX g. basses) // " " electrondyk gylym magazines. 2022. - No. 1 (29) kantar-nauryz. -151-162- bb. (244 b.). (co-authored).

- Kutlygmuhammad Tevkelevtin shykkan tegi men urpaktary hakynda // Otan tarikhy. - 2010. - №2 (50). - 34-42 bb.

- Kazak khandygy zhana kyrgyzdar: oz ara baylanyshtar taryhynan // (in Kyrgyz.yaz.). 2013.


- "Honored Worker" of KazNPU named after Abai. Medal (certificate No. 376 dated December 28, 2015);

- Jubilee medal "90 years of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai" (certificate No. 9604 dated December 13, 2018);

- "The best teacher" of Abai KazNPU. Badge (certificate No. 784 dated 30.09.2021).






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