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Zhumabayeva Asia Eleupanovna
Zhumabayeva Asia Eleupanovna
SHORT AUTOBIOGRAPHY Zhumabayeva Asia Eleupanovna, born in 1966, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Methodology of Primary Education, KazNPU named after Abai. The general scientific and pedagogical experience is over 30 years, the scientific and pedagogical experience at the AbaiKazNPU is over 30 years. Zhumabayeva A.E. - scientist-methodologist, head of the department of pedagogy and methods of primary education. In 1999 KazSPU`s named after Abaya- Postgraduate studies I participated in the preparation of the general educational standard for the specialty "Pedagogy and methods of primary education", at the bachelor`s and master`s degrees; Kazakh language programs for grades 2-4 of secondary schools; also one of the authors of the educational-methodical complex of the Kazakh language, introduced into practice since 1998, published under the editorship of Atamura (textbook, methodological recommendations, collection of dictations, didactic materials).
TEACHING DISCIPLINES (list by level of training) Undergraduate studies: Methods of literacy, methods of teaching the Kazakh language In the magistracy: Pedagogical approaches used in teaching primary school subjects In doctoral studies:Training of future primary school teachers in the context of updated educational content
SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY - research topics, number of publications. Has over 200 publications, including 2 monographs(A.Zhumabayeva New approaches in teaching and learning-Almaty, 2019.-250p; А.Е. Жұмабаева Сауат ашу кезеңіндегі тіл дамыту теориясы мен әдістемесі. - Қарағанды, 2019.-114б.).Three articles written by me and published in impact factor journals (Q3) (Issues of Kazakh language teaching in elementary classes in terms of the meta-subject approach (2019). Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences14(1), 158-170 ( Uaisova, G., Uaidullakyzy, E., Karimova, R. & Hamza, G.); Use of communicative learning technologies for speech activity development of junior pupils. Revista ESPACIOS. ISSN 07981015 Vol. 39 (Nº40). Venezuela. Year 2018. P.р. 1-9 (Gulsara Galimbekovna Zhussupbekova, Bariya Badykovna Zhakhina, Nina Mikhailovna Stukalenko, Asiya Khairushevna Kukubaeva); Formation of skills to work with sources in primary school students Revista «Espacios» (Scopus). ISSN 0798-1015, Vol. 39 (Number 38) Год: 2018. Venezuela.10 p. Page 31-41. (Omarova G., Uaisova G., Saduakas G., Akzholova A., Zhailauova M.).
SCIENTIFIC AND METHODOLOGICAL ACTIVITY - research topics, number of publications (indicate 5 significant). More than 50 guidelines published. Сауаташу. Барлық бөлімдері, Жалпы білім беретін мектептің 1-сыныбына арналған оқулық. -Алматы: Атамұра, 2016., Қазақтілі. 1-бөлім. Жалпы білім беретін мектептің 3-4 сыныбына арналған оқулық. -Алматы:Атамұра, 2018., Тағылымды тарих. Көрнекті ғалым-ұстаз, п.ғ.д., профессорТ.С.Сабыров туралы 4-кітап. -Алматы, 2018 ж., Көптілділік: теория және практика: Оқу-әдістемелік құрал.-Алматы: ТОО «Полиграфия - сервизиК», 2018.-168бет., Psychology:Textbook. -Almaty: ТОО «POLIGRAFIYA - serbiziК», 2018.-142.
AWARDS The best teacher of the university in 2018; «Honored Worker of Education» (2018),«Algys» MES RK (2017),the medal «For merits in the development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan» (2013), . diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2011).
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