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   Главная / Ishpekbayev Zhanatbek Yeshenkozhayevich

Ishpekbayev Zhanatbek Yeshenkozhayevich



1986-1991 - KazPI named after Abay, speciality "Kazakh language and literature";

1991-1994 - Postgraduate course in Kazakh language and literature;

2000-2002 - Abai Kazakh State University, speciality "Jurisprudence";

2002-2005 - Kazakhstan University of Roads and Communications, speciality "Economics of Road Management".


Work Experience:
From October 2023 - present - Head of the Rector`s Office of "Abai KazNPU" NJSC;

From August 2021 to October 2023 - Advisor to the Chairman of the Board - Rector of "Abai KazNPU" NJSC;

29.04.2008 - 2021 - Vice-rector for educational work and social development of Abai KazNPU;

20.10.1997-24.04.2008 - Assistant to the Rector of Abai KazNPU;

05.06.1995-29.09.1997 - Deputy General Director of "Shabdar" publishing house;

03.01.1995-11.05.1995 - lecturer of the Kazakh Literature Department of Abai KazNPU;

08.10.1983-16.10.1985 - service in the Soviet Army;

06.09.1982-01.07.1983 - specialist of a wide profile secondary vocational school № 148 Panfilov district of Almaty region.



State Honours:
2022 - Laureate of the State Prize named after Sh.Ualikhanov;

2021 - Jubilee Medal "30 Years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan";

2018 - Order "Kurmet";

2016 - Jubilee medal "25 years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan";

2015 - Jubilee medal "20 years of the Constitution of Kazakhstan";

2011 - Jubilee medal "20 years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan".


Awards of MES RK:

2008 - Badge of honour "Y.Altynsarin";

2010 - Medal "Kaiyrymdylygy ushin "Sauap";

2013 - Badge of MES RK "Bilim beru isininin kurmetti kyzmetkeri" for special services in the field of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2015 - Silver medal of the Trade Union of Education and Science Workers of RK "For contribution to the development of trade unions of education and science workers";

2016 - Badge of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "For merits in the development of science of RK".


Letters of Gratitude:
Letter of Gratitude from the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kasym-Jomart Tokayev (2021);

Letters of Gratitude of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A.Nazarbayev (2006, 2008, 2011, 2016, 2018).


Social Activities:
2022, June - Chairman of the Headquarters of Medeu district of Almaty on public support of the Republican Referendum;

2020, February - Deputy Chairman of FPO "Abai" of Medeu district branch of the party "Nur Otan";

2012-2020 - Chairman of FPO "Abai" of Medeu district branch of the party "Nur Otan";

2019-2022 - Member of the Supervisory Board of the State Municipal Enterprise on the right of economic management "City Polyclinic №1";

2016 - Member of Medeu district public headquarters on the threshold of extraordinary elections of deputies of Majilis of the Parliament and Maslikhat of all levels;

2015 - Member of Medeu district public headquarters on the eve of extraordinary elections of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2011 - Chairman of the public headquarters of the presidential candidate N.A.Nazarbayev of Medeu district branch of NDP "Nur Otan".



2020 - Courses of the consulting company "ISO Implementation Agency" on the programme "Training of internal auditors of the anti-corruption management system according to the requirements of the international standard ISO 37001:2016" with the qualification "Internal audit of the anti-corruption management system";

2020 - Workshop on the author`s course "Training on preparation for the transition of the HCOS (development of Horizontal-Cyclical Organisational Structure) and implementation of the principles of adaptive leadership" (40 hours);

2018 - Courses of the consulting company "ISO Implementation Agency" on the programme "Training of specialists in accordance with the requirements of the international standard ISO 37001:2016 "Anti-corruption management systems" with the qualification "Manager of the anti-corruption management system";

2021 - courses "The top manager university MINI-MBA program" on key skills of a top manager in the amount of 316 academic hours.


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