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Sarsenbaeva Aysanim Nagashbaevna
Sarsenbaeva Aysanim Nagashbaevna
BRIEF AUTOBIOGRAPHY I am, Sarsenbayeva Aisanim, was born in January 01, 1974 in the village of Akbetkey, Tahtakopir district, Karakalpak ASSR. In 1981 I entered the 1st grade of the secondary school named after Zh.Karakulov and finished it in 1991. 1991-1996 studied at Abai Kazakh State Pedagogical University, Physics and mathematics faculty. 2015-2017 studied at AL-Farabi Kazakh National University (master`s program). Since 2007 I have been working as a teacher/senior teacher at Informatics and informatization of education department.
TEACHING DISCIPLINES Information and communication technologies RESEARCH ACTIVITY Research projects:
RESEARCH AND METHODOLOGICAL ACTIVITY Development of software for non-linear powder problems 1.Lagerra transformation for two-dimensional calculation of a porous elastic medium. Journal "Bulletin of Kazntu", series of physical and Mathematical Sciences, 2016. No. 4, pp. 547-551 2.Mathematical models of seismic wave propagation in liquid-saturated porous media, journal "KazNPU Bulletin", series of physical and mathematical Sciences, 2017, no. 4 3. Correctness of the one-dimensional nonlinear direct poro-elasticity problem.Al-Farabi KazNU, collection of international scientific conference of students and young scientists "al-Farabi Alemi", and on the website of KazNU, 2017 4. Application of modern interactive learning tools in educational institutions. Materials of the II international scientific and practical conference. "Fundamental Sciences and education", Biysk, March 2-5, 2014. 5. Characteristics of innovative learning technologies in modern education. Vestnik magazine, international scientific and practical conference: "Quality of higher agricultural education-the way to the international scientific and educational space", dedicated to the 80th anniversary of education of K. I. Scriabin Kyrnau, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic, may-2013
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