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Bidaibekov Yessen Yklasovich
Bidaibekov Yessen Yklasovich
BRIEF AUTOBIOGRAPHY Yessen Bidaibekov was born on 2 October, 1945 in the village Akkum of Talas district of Zhambyl region. In 1961 he left secondary school of Karatau of Zhambyl region. In 1967 graduated from mechanics and mathematics faculty of S.M. Kirov Kazakh state university (KazSU). In 1970 entered a postgraduate study on «Differential and integral equations» specialty of computing mathematics chair of S.M. Kirov KazSU and was sent to Computing centre of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SB RAS). In 1973 graduated a postgraduate study with a separation from manufacture on «Differential and integral equations» specialty. In 1975 defended a thesis on competition of a scientific degree of candidate of physics and mathematics sciences on 01.01.02 - differential and integral equations specialty. In 1998 defended a thesis on competition of a scientific degree of doctor of pedagogical sciences on 13.00.02 - theory and methodology of teaching informatics specialty. Marital status: married, has 3 children.
TEACHING DISCIPLINES Numerical methods Informatization of education and problems of education Teaching methods of Informatics
RESEARCH ACTIVITY Research projects: 2013-2015 « Informatization of mathematics education as a factor in improving the preparation of a future mathematics teacher for specialized training at school» (MES RK, executer). 2015-2017 «Mathematical heritage of al-Farabi in modern education» (MES RK, supervisor). 2019-2021 «Development of a system of teacher training for teaching and educating students in the context of digitalization of society» (Abai KazNPU, supervisor). Research papers, published in Scopus and Web of Science indexed journals (for the last 5 years): 1 Development of information competency in students during training in Al-Farabi`s geometric heritage within the framework of supplementary school education // European Journal of Contemporary Education. - 2017. - 6(3). - P.479-496. (in co-authorship with Kamalova, G., Bostanov, B., Salgozha, I.) (SJR - 0.378) 2 Spontaneous appearance of nanoclusters (Cu)n and (Cu2O)n // Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience. - 2019. - V.16. - № 8. - P. 3154-3161. DOI: 10.1166/jctn.2019.8363 (in co-authorship with Iskakova, K., Akhmaltdinov, R., Kuketov, T.) (SJR - 0.165) 3 An essential change to the training of computer science teachers: The need to learn Graphics // European Journal of Contemporary Education. - 2019. - 8(1). - P.25-42. DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2019.1.25 (in co-authorship with Grinshkun, V., Koneva, S., Baidrakhmanova, G..) (SJR - 0.378) 4 Information technology as the factor of usage of the mathematical heritage of al-Farabi in the modern education // 13th International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED 2019). - 2019. - P. 8838-8847 (in co-authorship with Oshanova, N., Bostanov, B.) 5 Integration of robotics design into the learning process at school // Periodico Tche Quimica. - 2020. - Vol.17. - Iss.35. - P. 404-424. (in co-authorship with Kozhagul, A., Bostanov, B., Pak, N.)
RESEARCH AND METHODOLOGICAL ACTIVITY 1 Methods of teaching computer science. - Textbook. - Almaty: 2016. -320 р. (Co-authors: Nurbekova Zh.K., Cagimbayeva A.Ye., Zakirova A.) (in English) 2 Mathematical modeling and numerical methods. - Textbook. -Almaty, 2016. - 416 р. (Co-authors: Kamalova G.B., Kaliyeva K.) (in English) 3 Trigonometric heritage of al-Farabi: Teaching guide. - Almaty: Abai kazNPU, 2016. - 166 p. (Co-authors: Kamalova G.B., Bostanov B.G.,Umbetbayev B.G., Salgozha I.T.) (in Kazakh) 4The concept of digitalization of Abai Kazakh natioal Pedagogical University. - Almaty, Abai KazNPU: Ulagat, 2020. - 120 p. (Co-authors: Balykbayev T.O., Akhmetov B.S., Grinshkun V.V.) (in Kazakh/Russian) 5 Features of teaching computer graphics for teachers of informatics in the context of fundamental education: Monograph. - Aktobe: Print, 2020. - 15 p. (Co-authors: Grinshkun V.V., Koneva S.N., Baidrakhmanova G.A. (in Russian)
AWARDS 1961 was awarded a silver medal «For excellent achievements in study, work and for good behavior» by Karatau boarding school of Karatau city of Zhambyl region 1967 was awarded the breastplate of excellence of mechanics and mathematics faculty of KazSU named after S.M. Kirov 1970-1980 a winner of socialist competition 1995 was awarded «Excellence in education area of the RK» 1998 was awarded Honour diploma of the Ministry of education, culture and healthcare of the RK 2002 was awarded Honour diploma of ASU named after Abai in honour of 11th anniversary of the Independence of the RK 2004 was awarded the breastplate «The honorable education worker of the RK» of the Ministry of education and science of the RK 2007 was awarded the status «The best lecturer of the higher education institution» of the year 2008 was awarded the medal «For the development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan» 2008 was awarded the diploma dedicated to the 80th anniversary of KazNPU named after Abai 2012 was awarded the status «The best lecturer of higher education institution» of the year 2012 was awarded the medal named after A.Baitursynov «The best author» for work in writing new textbooks which meet modern standards of education by the Association of HEIs of the RK 2013 was awarded the medal for a huge contribution to computer science and education by European scientific-industrial chamber 2013 was awarded the diploma for an active participation in the I International scientific conference «Intellectual Information and Communication Technologies as a Tool for Realization of the third Industrial Revolution within the framework of the Kazakhstan-2050 Strategy» 2013 was awarded the breastplate for an active participation in the IX Inter-national ISAAC Congress (Krakow, Poland) 2013 was awarded «Gold medal for exceptional «Achievements»» (Brussels, Belgium) 2013 was awarded the medal «Ayryksha yenbegi ushin» KazNPU named after Abai 2015 was awarded the medal «Korkyt Ata atyndagy Altyn medal». Kyzylorda State University named after Korkyt Ata 2015 awarded the jubilee medal «Al-Farabi atyndagy Kazak Ulttyk University 80 zhyl» for his contribution to the development of the university 2015 awarded with the order «Kurmet» 2016 was awarded the medal «Üzdik ustaz» Abai KazNPU 2016 was awarded the medal «Axmet Yassawïdiñ 850 jıldığı», UNESCO 2018 was awarded with the jubilee medal «Abay atyndagy Kazakh ulttyk pedagogical university 90 zhyl» for his contribution to the development of the university. 2020 awarded with a certificate of honor from the city of Taraz. For many years of fruitful work in the education system, making a great contribution to the education and training of capable, professional specialists.
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