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   Главная / Shakhanova Rosalinda Ashirbaevna

Shakhanova Rosalinda Ashirbaevna


I was born on August 25, 1951 in Pavlodar. I graduated the middle school after Trubitsina in 1968 in Merke of Zhambyl region. After graduating from school, I worked in schools in Shymkent as a teacher of an extended day group and as a pioneer counselor. In 1970-1974, I studied at Kazakh State Women University on Russian language and literature specialty. From the october of 1990 to April 2004 I was the head of the Kazakh language Department of KazNTU named after K. Satpayev. Since 2004 I was the Vice-rector for educational and methodological work of Kazakh State Women University. From 2008-2011-Director of the faculty of pedagogy and psychology of Abai KazNPU. 2011-2013-head of the Department of philological specialties Of the Institute of master`s and PhD studies of KazNPU after Abai. 2014-2018-head of the Department of teaching methods of philological disciplines and practical languages of the Institute of Philology and multilingual education KazNPU after Abai.



Educational Institution


Graduation Date

Kazakh state women`s University

Teacher of Russian language and literature


Almaty State University after Abai

Teacher of Kazakh language and literature


Kazakh State University after Kirov

Targeted postgraduation




Name of academic degree

Field of science

Date of issue of diploma

PhD in Philology

10.01.02-literature of the peoples of the USSR


Doctor of Pedagogy 

13.00.02-theory and methodology of teaching and education (Kazakh language in the system of primary, secondary and higher education).




Academic title

Date of award

Associate Professor





2010, 2012


Bachelor`s degree: Practical Russian language at the Institute of natural science and geography. I manage master`s theses . Under my guidance, 4 doctoral students and 1 candidate of pedagogical Sciences and about 30 undergraduates defended their studies.



Head of the scientific project AP05130793 " Competence-communicative model of language training of future subject teachers in polylingual educational conditions of Kazakhstan "(Minutes of the meeting of the National scientific Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the priority direction "Scientific foundations" Mangilik El "(education of the XXI century fundamental and applied research in the field of Humanities) " No. 13 dated December 06, 2018);

1. SCOPUS (2019): ("The Problem Of Elimination Of Illiteracy By Writing Textbooks In The step») "OPCION" Revista de Clencias Human y Sociales Año 35, N° 88, (diecembre2019) Estarevistafueeditadaenformato digital por el personal de la Oficina de PublicacionesCientíficas de la Facultad Experimental de Ciencias, Universidad del Zulia. Maracaibo - Venezuela.

2. RSCI (2019): ("Competence-communicative approach in the preparation of future subject teachers») "Problems of pedagogy" #3(42) in may 2019, 61-66 p.

3. ("Philosophical and educational foundations for the formation of professional and special competencies») Materials of the International scientific conference "Man in the modern world: identity and intercultural communication". - Dusseldorf, 2019. - Pp. 238-243.

4. ("Pedagogy of cooperation in the context of the formation of professional and communicative competence of the future subject teacher") Almanac #5 of the V International pedagogical conference " Education. Dialogue for the future". - Riga-Stockholm, 2019. - P. 7-12.

5. ("on the development of functional literacy of future subject teachers in the context of the formation of their professional and communicative competence») "Kazak tili BLM modern Zaman Keth: tanago, Madeniet, communication". «Kazakh linguistics in the modern world: cognition, culture, communication». Almaty, may 15-16, 2020.



1. "Functional and communicative course of the Russian language". Textbook for students of pedagogical specialties/ Ed Kahalawai, A. D. Timakovoy. Almaty: Balausa, 2019 - - 448 p. ISBN 978-601-7984-29-8

2. "Numeral Name". Textbook/Edition 2/Abai KazNPU, Ulagat publishing house, Almaty, 2020.


1995-excellent student of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2013-awarded the medal "Y.Altynsarin" of the Ministry of defense

2014-awarded the medal for active participation in activities for the development of women`s Entrepreneurship;

2015- "Best teacher of higher education institution" of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2016-awarded the "Best teacher" medal for training professional specialists of Abai KazNPU.

2018- awarded a medal in connection with the 90th anniversary of Abai KazNPU.

2018-awarded a medal in connection with the 80th anniversary of Turar Ryskulov district of Zhambyl region

2018-winner of the honorary diploma of Turkey.


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