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Kakimova Laura Sharipovna


Full Name

Kakimova Laura Sharipovna



Year of birth

February 23, 1972


Zhetysu State University named after I.Zhansugurov
Specialty: music teacher, head of choir groups
Full-time postgraduate KazGOSZHENPU.

Academic degree and title

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences; 13.00.02 (2004)
Associate Professor (HAC RK) (2011)

Scientific works

More than 100 published scientific papers.
Articles with impact factor in the Scopus and Thomson Reuter database:

1. Making Art Pedagogy in the System of Education  in the Republic of Kazakhstan / Berikzhan A. Almukhambetova, Zhanar O. Nebessayevaa,  Akmaral S. Smanovaa, Laura S. Kakimovaa,  Kusan T. Musakulovb, and Roza S. Sydykovac //


2. A Conceptual Approach to Developing the Creativity of a Music Teacher in Modern Educational Conditions // Thinking Skills and Creativity. United Kingdom ISSN 1871-1871. IF - 1.589.Q2. - 2018.- V.27. - Р.160-166. (authors Rosa Sydykova, Laura Kakimova and others.

DOI: //

Place of employment and position at the end of the university

2011-2019 - Associate Professor of the Department of Music Education and Choreography of Abai KazNPU
2017-2018 - Project Office Manager KazNPU named after Abai
2015-2017 - Deputy Director for Science of the Institute of Arts, Culture and Sports of KazNPU named after Abay
2014-2015 - Head of the Department of Music Education and Choreography of KazNPU named after Abay
2010 - 2011 - Acting Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and Methods of Fine Arts, Music and Choreography of KazNPU named after Abay
2004-2010 - senior lecturer, acting associate professor Choir conducting and vocal Kazakh State Women`s Teacher Training University
2001-2004 - Deputy Director for Educational Work of the Faculty of Music Education of the Kazakh State Teacher Training University
1998-2001 - research intern, graduate student of the Kazakh State Women`s Teacher Training University
1995-1998 - teacher of the department. Choir conducting music and pedagogical faculty ZhSU them. I.Zhansugurova

Language proficiency

Russian, Kazakh - fluent,
English - spoken, with a dictionary

Scientific interests

Theory and Methods of Teaching Music Teacher


1. Refresher courses for teachers of pedagogical specialties of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan in JSC NCPK "Orleu" (2015)
2. University of Central Asia. In a training seminar on courses of the Aga Khan Project "Humanology": "Personality and Society", "Rhythm and Movement", with the right to conduct these classes. Almaty, KazNPU named after Abai (June 06-10, 2017) - 72 hours.
3. "The formation of functional literacy: problems, solutions, prospects" RSSU prof. L.V. Mardahaev. (09.10-17.09-2017) - 80 hours
4. Winter school "Professionalism and pedagogical skills." Refresher courses "Teaching on the program of updated content of secondary education (for teaching staff of universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan). (January 8-12, 2018) - 36 hours.
5. Refresher courses on the educational program "Features of the content of updated programs of secondary education." - (02.03.2018) - 40 hours.
6. Refresher courses in the Innovation Education Center under the program of additional professional education "Trends and paradigms of development of modern education."  Lecturer: Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Prof. of Orenburg State University Kargapoltsev N.A.  (May 19-23, 2018) - 36 hours.
7. Summer school "Pedagogical education: skills of the future." Seminar "Designing job systems for assessing student learning outcomes" (June 25-29, 2018) - 40 hours.
8. General English, CLIL and Business English. AzGroup, Sana Kazakhstan. - (June 18 - July 14, 2018) - 200 hour.
9. General English, Business English, Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL). ELEMENTARY level of English proficiency is confirmed. AzGroup, Sana Kazakhstan. - June, 2018 - August, 2018, (No. 031 from 09/03/2018).
10. "Restarting the pedagogical design of educational programs. Innovative technologies and methods in education "/" Modern University: access to a new audience "within the XXXIII Winter School Almaty (08.01.-12.01.2019) - 72 hours.

Participation in research projects

1Participation in the scientific project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan AP05130242 «The revival of national consciousness and cultural values in the context of the idea of " Mangilik Еl " in Higher Art Education». 2018-2020.

2. Participation in the scientific project of the MES RK AP05132384-OT-18 "Ethnocultural aspects of the artistic and performing interpretation of the works of composers of Kazakhstan in the context of the implementation of the state program" Tugan el " 2018-2020.

Since when do you work at the department?

Since 2010, Associate Professor at the Department of Music Education and Choreography



1. Diploma 1 place for participation in the international competition "Best Research Project - 2017". International Science Center "Olympus". - Moscow, December 2, 2017.
2. Diploma 1 place for participation in the III International Professional Competition of University Teachers (within the framework of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards) "The Formation of Competences in Vocational Education - 2018". International Science Center for Research Projects "Science and Education". - Moscow, September 15, 2018.
3. Diploma 1st place for participation in the IV International Professional Competition of University Teachers UNIVERSITY TEACHER - 2018 in the nomination "Design and Methodological Competences". International Science Center. Moscow, November 26, 2018.
4. Diploma 1 place for participation in the IV international professional competition of university teachers UNIVERSITY TEACHER - 2018 in the nomination "Competences for the implementation of the educational process." International Science Center. Moscow, November 26, 2018.

Social work

Member of the editorial board of the scientific journal "Bulletin of KazNPU named after Abai", a series of "Art education: art-theory-methodology" since 2010
Member of the UNESCO Club, Almaty since 2018
Compiler of test specifications for graduate disciplines (2019)

Contact details


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