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Zhanbekov Khairulla Nyshanovich


Zhanbekov N. Khairulla - doctor of the Earth Sciences, professor, Director of the Department of Academic Affairs.
In 1981 he graduated from the Kazakh State University after named S.M.Kirov. In the same year he was recruited to the Institute of Organic Catalysis and Electrochemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR, in 1992 he defended his thesis.
In January 1994, he was accepted to the post of senior lecturer of the Department of Chemistry and MPH, ASU after named Abay.
In 2002, he was awarded the academic title of Associate Professor, the decision of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
In March 2007, by the decision of the Academic Council of the University, he was awarded the title of professor of the university (draft №6 from 06.03.2007).
Zhanbekov Khairulla from 15.05.2007 worked as the deputy dean of the faculty of geography and ecology for academic work, from 01.09.2008 the deputy dean of the faculty of chemistry and biology for academic work, from 09.04.2010 is the acting Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry and Biology, from 01.09.2011 is the Director of the Center for General University Disciplines, from 01.09.2012 is the Dean of the Chemical and Biological Faculty, from 01.09.2013 is the Director of the Institute of Natural Sciences and Geography, from 20.04.2016 he worked as dean of the faculty for foreign citizens and pre-university training.
From 2017 to the present time he works as a director of the Department for Academic Affairs.
In 2007, he was awarded the President`s "Letter of Gratitude", in 2008 from the rector of the University was rewarded with a badge "Үздік ұстаз" for merits in the professional training of specialists, in 2013 he was awarded "Letter of appreciation" of the first deputy chairman of the "Nur Otan" party D.Aynakulova, in 2015 he was awarded the jubilee medal of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "20 years of the Constitution of Kazakhstan", in 2017 he was awarded "Letter of appreciation" of the Deputy Director of the Library of "The First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Leader" A. Rakhimzhanova, in 2018 he was awarded "Letter of Gratitude" of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan E. Sagadiyeva.
Khairulla Nyshanovich develops and participates in the development of standard university programs. Zhanbekov N. Khairulla published more than 130 scientific works, 60 of them after the defense of the thesis, including 10 copyright certificates and patents of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan, four independent study aids: "Analytical Chemistry Workshops" (2000), "Physicochemical Collisions of Chemistry, Interviewing the Zhettyularyn" (2003), Test tasks in the discipline "Modern natural science" (2004), Analytical Chemistry Workshops 1-, 2-volume (2007-2008) and two monographs.
Khairulla Nyshanovich is an active member of "Nur Otan", from 1995 to 2006 he was elected chairman of the polling station №63, Almalinsky district and since 2007 chairman of electoral district №32, Medeu district.
Khairulla Nishanovich annually takes part and acts with reports at scientific-practical and educational-methodical conferences of the university and also at republican and international conferences. This moment he is carrying out research with professors of Tsukuba University (Japan).

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