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   Главная / Zhumabekova Aigul Kazkenovna

Zhumabekova Aigul Kazkenovna



She was born on 24 May, 1967 in Akmola region. In the same year, she moved to Almaty with her family where she graduated from school (1984), university (1989). She worked in universities in Zhambyl (1989-1990), Almaty (1990-1992). In 1992-95 she studied in post-graduate school, in 1998-2001 - doctoral studies at Abai KazNPU.

Since 1995 she has been working at the Abai KazNPU (senior lecturer, associate professor, professor).

2002 - 2007 - Head of the Department of Comparative Grammar and Translation;

2007 - 2011 - Head of the Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics;

2011-2014 - Professor of the Department of Philological Specialties of the Institute of Master`s and PhD Doctoral Studies;

2014-2016 - Professor of the Department of Professional Foreign Language Communication and Translation Studies;

 2016 - up to now  - Professor of the Department of Oriental Philology and Translation

She published more than 240 scientific and methodological publications. She could combine scientific and teaching activities. She was a Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Supreme School of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2019).



Educational Institution


Graduation Date

Kazakh State University

Philologist, teacher


Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University

Bachelor degree


Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University

doctoral degree




Name of academic degree

Field of science

Date of issue of diploma

Candidate of Philology



Doctor of Philology





Academic title

Date of award

Associate Professor





TEACHING DISCIPLINES (list by level of training)

Undergraduate studies: Intercultural communication and translation, Fundamentals of the professional work of translators, etc.

In the magistracy course: History and criticism of translation; Modern trends in translation studies; Research methods in translation studies; Terminological problems of translation studies, etc.

In doctoral studies (2011-2014): Anthropocentric theories in modern linguistics; Contrastive linguistics, etc.



On scientific problems in the field of linguistics (typological and comparative linguistics, comparative lexicology and semasiology, mono- and multilingual lexicography; Kazakh terminology and terminography), translation studies, theory and practice of intercultural communication, more than 200 works have been published, including:

3 monographs (In Russian: "Fundamentals of the systematic description of the vocabulary of the Kazakh and Russian languages" (2016, 3rd ed.); "Antonymy in the Kazakh and Russian languages ​​(experience of comparative typological analysis" (2016), "Translation studies in Kazakhstan and the countries of the foreign East "(2019, co-authored);

6 articles in publications from the list of the international SCOPUS database (In Russian: "The main directions of modern Kazakhstan linguistics" // Przegląd Wschodnioeuropejski.- 2016. - No. VII (2). - Р.223-238, etc.),

3 articles in publications from the list of the international database Web of Science (In Russian: "Linguistic and cultural features of direct and indirect translation of M. Auezov`s story" Beauty in Mourning "into Russian and English" // - Language and Culture. -Tomsk. - 2019. - No. 47. - P.21-35, etc.).



More than 40 works have been published on the methodology of teaching courses in various fields of linguistics, translation studies, theory and practice of intercultural communication, including:

Textbook for undergraduates "The structure of modern linguistics" (Recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, 2015; in co-authorship) In Russian;

Educational and teaching aids in three languages, including:

- "Vocabulary of language as a system (logical-philosophical and linguistic aspects), Almaty, 2015  - In Russian;

- "Basics ofTranslation Studies" ( 2015)  - In Kazakh:

- "Translation in professional intercultural communication" ( Electronic study guide. - Almaty, 2015; co-authored) In Russian;

- "Terminology of Translation Studies. - Almaty, 2018) In English;

 as well as standard training programs, methodological recommendations.



Gratitude from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for a great personal contribution to the development of education (2008);

Gratitude of the Committee on Languages ​​of the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the contribution to the development of the Kazakh and Ukrainian languages ​​(2008);

Badge "For merits in the development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (2010);

Title and badge "The best teacher of the university - 2015";

Badge "The best teacher" (2016, KazNPU named after Abay);

Medal "Abay atyndagy Kazakh ulttyk pedagogical university 90 zhyl" for the contribution to the development of the university (2018);

Gratitude to Abai KazNPU zv high achievements in the ranking of the teaching staff of the university and in connection with the Teacher`s Day (2019).



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