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Berkinbayeva Gulnaz Ongarbekovna
Berkinbayeva Gulnaz Ongarbekovna
BRIEF AUTOBIOGRAPHY Berkinbaeva Gulnaz Ongarbekovna was born on September 20, 1991 in the city of Kentau, Turkestan region. Nationality: Kazakh. In 2009 she graduated from the secondary school named after M. Balakaev in the village of Ulgili, Turkestan region. In 2013 graduated from University of International Relations and World Languages named after Abylai Khan, awarded the degree of Bachelor on the specialty and (or) educational program Foreing language: two foreing languages (English and Turkish) 2013-2015 Master (2 years) - Specialty: "Translation Studies" Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai; 2018-2021 Doctoral studies (3 years) - Specialty: "Linguistics" Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai;.
TEACHING SUBJECTS 1. Practical phonetics 2. Theoretical phonetics 3. Methods of foreign language teaching 4. Innovative technologies in foreign language education 5. Teaching Listening Comprehension of Oral Speech
SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY - Modern research issues of relative syntagmas in linguistics of the kazakh and english languages. ПГУ Имени С.Торайгыров, 2020 - The functıons of syntagmas ın the sentence structure and text. Хабаршы «Филология ғылымдары» сериясы №1(71) 2020 -Синтагма, белгілері және қызметі. Қазақстанның ғылымы мен өмірі №5 2020 - Синтагма және оны жүзеге асыру тәсілдері. The Europe and the Turkıc World: Science, Engineering and Technology Materlals of the V International Scientific-Practical Conference Volume III May 6-8, 2020 - Лингвистикада синтагмалардың зерттеулі жайы. «ҚАЗАҚ ФОНЕТИКАСЫ» атты профессор Әлімхан Жүнісбектің 80 жылдық мерейтойына арналған халықаралық ғылыми-теориялық дөңгелек үстел материалдары. - Алматы: Тіл білімі инситуты, 2018
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