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   Главная / Yesbossynov Ergali Ziahanovich

Yesbossynov Ergali Ziahanovich


Date of birth: 1968.

Place of birth:  East Kazakhstan region, District Tarbagatai.

In 1988 he graduated from the Aksuat district SPTU-17 with a degree of "general tractor driver".

In 1986-1988 yy. in the ranks of the Soviet Army - Leningrad Military District.

1990 he entered the Abai KazPI.

In 1991 he was a listener at the preparatory course at Ankara University.

In 1997 he graduated from Gazi University in Ankara as a teacher of Turkish language and literature.



Educational institution



Gazi University

Bachelor, Teacher of Turkish  Language and Literature


Institute of Oriental Studies named after B. Suleimenova of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Master`s degree

1998 - 2006

The Institute of linguistics named after A. Baitursynov

candidate of philological sciences



Academic degree

Title of academic degree

Scientific branch


Candidate of philological sciences

Turkology, history of Kazakh language.



Subjects taught:

Bachelor: Practical Turkish language, country studies, second foreign language.

MA: Second foreign language for academic purposes.



Turkology, history of language, country studies, etymology, translation studies.


SCIENTIFIC AND METHODOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES - name of research, number of publications 

1. Studies of Republican history - I International symposium of Lausanne and the Republic of Turkey on the 90th anniversary (13-15 November 2013, Ankara) cilt ii Yayına Hazırlayanlar Duygu Türker - Murat Saygin. Ankara-2015.Sovyet-Rus Siyaset Bilimi Literatüründe Lozan Barış Antlaşması. Doç. Dr. Ergali Esbosinov. 941s.

2. Yûsuf has Hâcib`in Doğumunun 1000. Yilinda kutadgu bilig Türk dünya görüşünün şâheseri uluslararasi sempozyumu bildiriler 18-20 kasım 2016. Kazak ve rus kaynaklarında Yusuf has Hacip. Ergali Esbosinov. 252 s.

3. The III International symposium of Akhism 5-7 Ekim / October 2017 Kirşehir.Ortaasya`da (kazaklarda) ahilikgeleneğininizleri.doç. dr. Ergali Esbosin. 173 s.

4. Karadenız uluslararası bılımsel dergı. Volume: 40, Winter-2018. Akademik Çalışmalar Işığında Rus Dilinde Türkçenin İzleri. Ergali Esbosinov.

5. Uluslararasi Türk lehçe araştirmalari dergisi (türklad). 3.Cilt. 2. Sayı. 2019. Үш құрылтай бір байлам: Қазақ тілінің латыннегізді әліпбиі. Ерғали Есбосынов.

6. Turkish studies - language and literature. Yıl-sayı: 2020-Volume 15. Issue 2.
YunusEmreDivanı`nınRusçaTercümesiÜzerine, 917-924. Ergali ESBOSINOV.

7. Türkitanuw Ğılımındağı Leksikografiyalıq Eñbekterdiñ Ornı men Mañızı - The Evolution of Lexicography Studies in Turkology. Türkiyat Mecmuası- Journal of Turkology. Istanbul Üniversitesi Yayınevi. Yıl 2021, Cilt 31, Sayı Özel Sayı. 28 Aralık 2021.
DOI :10.26650/iuturkiyat.990981 IUP :10.26650/iuturkiyat.990981(SCOPUS).



Letter of thanks from Alaettin Korkmaz, Head of the Cultural Attache of the Embassy of the Republic of Turkey in the Republic of Kazakhstan. 2000.

Letter of thanks from the Rector of the Almaty State University after named Abai.

Letter of thanks from the Minister of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan Ermukhamet Yertysbayev. Astana. 2007.

Letter of Gratitude from the Secretary General of the International Organization of Turkic Culture (TURKSOY). Ankara. September 2011

Letter of thanks from the rector of the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University T.O. Balykbaev. September, 2020






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