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Askarova Galiya Akkalovna



Born on 01/01/1968, was born in Kentau, in the family of a Civil Servant. She graduated from high school in 1985. No. 12 in Kentau. Marital status: I have three children.



Educational Institution


Graduation Date


Kazakh State University named after S.M. Kirov, Almaty






Name of academic degree

Field of science

Date of issue of diploma


Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences


13.00.01-Theory and history of pedagogy No. 0007689 by the decision of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan


dated September 29, 2010










Optimization methods;
Numerical methods;
Digital technologies in education;
Artificial intelligence system;
Non-standard methods of solving problems in computer science;
System Programming;
Theory and methods of teaching computer science;
Mathematical modeling;
Mathematics 1.2.



Research topic: Problems of training specialists and the use of ICT in education

The number of publications: More than 32 scientific, educational, and methodological works have been published, 2 of them:

Salgarayeva, N. Kurmanbekkyzy, N. Katayev, S. Omarova The Calculation of the Stress-Strain State of Mine Workings in the Networks of Complex Fault Lines in Planes, Generalized Planar and. International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology. ISSN 0974-3154, Volume 12, Number 12 (2019), pp. 2452-2464 (Scopus)
B.K. Tulbassova, A. K. Iskakova, J. R. Kuandykova, A. N. Nurgulzhanova, B. A. Kazangapova, Zh.S. Ismagulova, G. A. Askarova. Information technologies in higher education of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Life Science Journal, IF = 0.16 Tomson Reuters, 2014, 11 (7s), p. 322-326, USA (Scopus)


Research topic: Use of IR and digital technologies in education

The number of publications:

Askarova GA Omarova SA The system of formation of digital competence of students in the educational space. Khabarshy Physics mathematicians ylymdar series, No.1 (65), 2019
Askarova GA The role of innovative technology in the formation of social competence among schoolchildren.. Bulletin of NAS RK. Physics and mathematics series. -Almaty, 2016. No. 5 (309). -FROM. 122 Bulletin of Kaz NU named after al-Farabi.
Askarova G A., Zhakyn Zh. Teaching computer science and English. "Qazaq bilim" republics ylym-әdistemelik nedagogikalyk journal No. 3 (30) March, 2020
Askarova GA The role of innovative technologies in the formation of social competence.Abay atyndaғy KazҰPU Habarshy, Habarshy. Gylymdar series. Almaty. "Economics қ Kylymdar" series, No. 1, (65), 2016, 321-326 b.
Askarova GA Using the project method in high school computer science lessons.. PLANET SKILLS halygaralyқ aғartushylyқ site. Nursultan. 2020 11 April


AWARDS: Awarded with the jubilee medal "25 years of independence of K, established based on the Decree of the President of the KR dated September 28, 2016 No. 344




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