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Abdrakhmanova Roza Beisenovna



Abdrakhmanova Rosa Bisenovna was born on 07.05.1950. In 1957 she entered the first grade of the Dzhanibek Russian secondary school and graduated from the 10th grade in 1967. In 1967, she entered the Polytechnic Technical School for the mechanical department, from which she graduated in 1970. In 1971, she entered the 1st year at the Kazakh State Women`s Pedagogical Institute at the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, which she graduated in 1975. After graduating from the above-mentioned institute, she worked for 3 years as a methodologist in the kindergarten 260 "Chereshenka" of the Kalininsky district of Alma-Ata. In parallel, she worked at 0.5 rates in Kazgoszhenpi as a teacher at the Department of Psychology.



Educational institution


Graduation date

Kazakh national women`s teacher training institute

teacher of preschool pedagogy and psychology



Аcademic degree

Scientific (academic) degree

Field of science

 Date of issue of diploma

Candidate of Psychological Sciences

Psychological Sciences




Name of academic title
Date of award





1. Psychological service in educational institutions
2. Diagnosis and correction of mental development of personality
3. The basics of psychocorrection


Research topics: Professional orientation of the training of teachers - psychologists.
1.Methodology for the development of the information culture of the future teacher of Physical Culture. Theory and methodology of Physical Culture №4 2020 P.6-11
2.Components and indicators of the development of the information culture of the future teacher manager. Vestnik Psychology No. 4 (65)2020, pp. 81-86.
3.Description of the concept of "acmeological potential" in Scientific Research. Vestnik Series "Psychology", №3 (64), 2020
4.Pedagogical and psychological conditions for the organization of independent work of students. Psychology Bulletin of Abai Kaznpu №1 (70), 2022-P.249-255
5.The importance of digital resources in the educational process of a pedagogical psychologist in the context of distance learning. Vestnik kaznpu im.Abaya series "Psychology" 2022. - № 2(71) - pp. 212-217


Research topics: Professional orientation of the training of teachers - psychologists.
1.Development of the information culture of the future teacher manager: theory and practice. Monograph. - Almaty, 2020-72 P.

2."Acmeological potential of future teachers: theory and practice of development". Monograph-Almaty, 2021-73 P.

3.Experience of innovative training in the school. Experience in the implementation of innovative teaching at school. Methodical post-Almaty 2022, -44 P.


1. Excellent student of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 1993

2. Badge "For special merits" №635 от 04.03.2020г.

3. Medal "90 years of Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University" №352 18.10.2018г.



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