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Abishev Asylkhan Rakymzhanovich



09/22/1951 year of birth, Kazakh, higher education.

1958-1968 graduate of the modern secondary school No. 42 of the Kordai district of the Zhambyl region (named afterKirov).

1969-1973 Kazakh Institute of Physical Education.

In 2007 he defended his PhD thesis.

Work experience:

Since 1974, he has been working as a teacher in secondary schools and as a coach-teacher, methodologist in sports schools.

Since 2014, I have been working at the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai.



Educational institution


Date of issue of the diploma

Kazakh Institute of Physical Education, Almaty

Physical education and sports teacher

1973 y.

Kazakh Food Academy, Almaty

Candidate of Biological Sciences

By decision of November 22, 2007 (Protocol No. 9 )

Petrovsky Academy of Sciences and Arts of the Russian Federation. St. Petersburg

a full member of the academy was elected an academician

And A 181 on August 26, 2021.



1. Theory and methodology of physical education

2. theory and methodology of outdoor games

3. methods of teaching football

4. National sports and teaching methods



1. scientific articles published in scientific journals from the list of the international database Scopus-1 article

2. scientific articles published in journals from the list of the Committee for Quality Assurance in the field of scientific and higher education of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan -25 articles

3. scientific papers published in scientific journals of Kazakhstan - 53 articles

4. material of international scientific and practical conferences, congresses and symposiums held in the countries of the Near and far abroad - 5 articles

5. Materials of the international scientific and practical conference organized in the Republic of Kazakhstan-34 articles

6. Monograph - 1

7. Study guide-4

8. educational and methodical manual-3

9. Metho 


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