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Karakov Amantai



06/28/1946, Aktobe region, Bayganinsky district, Oymaut village.

 Kazakh, higher education.

1972 Kazifk.- 6b01404-physical education and sports

Master of Sports of the USSR 1973g. honored coach of the Kazakh SSR in judo wrestling, 1986. "Honorary figure of sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan" 2005.11.2006.

associate professor of pedagogy (DC 0000620 MON RK KKSON prot. No. 12)

04/29/2009. Doctor of pedagogical sciences (FD 0000653 MON RK KKSON prot. No. 12)



Educational institution


time of issue of the qualification diploma



5В01404-physical culture and sports


Pedagogy (DC 0000620 KKSON MES RK prot. No. 12)

associate professor

03.11. 2006

Inter.Kaz.Turets.univ. H.A.Yassavi. Pedagogy

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences(FD 0000653 KKSON MES RK prot. No.12)




Physical Culture

National sports and teaching methods.

Sports games and teaching methods 

Methods of teaching outdoor and national games



1. Collection of materials of the international online / offline scientific and practical conference "educational value of outdoor games""Bulletin of physical culture" April 12, 2023 Almaty innovative in the field of physical culture and sports

2.methods of physical education of preschool children "Bulletin of physical education" volume I publishing house April 12, 2023. Almaty

3. conducting practical physical education classes with students of a special medical group in the context of the pandemic MODERN SCIENTIFIC CHALLENGES AND TRENDS October 2020

4.Methods of physical exercises for school-age students Republican Scientific and Methodological journal The journal has been published every two months since January 2004. October 10-13, pp. 5-6, 2021.

5. Methods and means of running students in athletics lessons

6. the direction of athletics exercises for the improvement of the human body

7. for participation in the round table on the topic: Tobacco smoking and its impact on the development of a healthy personality in Almaty 2021. Narkhoz








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