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   Главная / Shuakayev Marat Kapashevich

Shuakayev Marat Kapashevich



Was born in the city of Kostanay. After graduating from high school number 12, he entered the Kazakh State University named after Kirov, which he graduated in 1972 with a degree in mathematics - mathematics teacher. Service as an officer in the Soviet Army at the border. Then he worked for 1 year as a senior engineer at the Computing Center of the State Planning Committee of the Kazakh SSR. Since 1975 she has been working at the Department of Applied Mathematics. KazPTI named after Lenin as an intern, teacher, senior teacher, associate professor, professor and for the last 10 years was the head of the Department of Informatics. And from 2003 to 2013 he worked in JSC "MMC KAZAKHALTYN" as Director of the representative office in Almaty. From 2013 to 2014. Professor at the Technical University of Management and Finance. From 2014 to 2016 Professor of KBTU Department of Computer Science

From September 1, 2016 to the present day - Professor of the Department of Methods of Teaching Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics (KazNPU named after Abai).


Educational Institution


Graduation Date

Kirvai Kazakh national university





Name of academic degree

Field of science

Date of issue of diploma

PhD 05.13.07- «ApplicationComputerinScientific Investigations



Docentonspecialist «Informatica, Calculation technics and Automatizationn



Doctoroftechnicalsciencesonspecialist 05.13.07 - «Automatization of technical Pricessors and production ;



Professoronspecialist «Informatica, CalculationtechnicsandAutomatizationn




TEACHING DISCIPLINES (list by level of training)

Undergraduate studies: Pedagogical Measurements - teaching in two languages

In the magistracy: Methods for solving applied problems on extremes in mathematics.



1.Shuakayev, M.K.,Nazarbekova, S.T. About One Approach For  Describing Of  Structure Of The  Technical Educational  Processes Of The Cals - Technologies. Вестник Жезказганского университета имени О. А. Байконурова. Научный журнал.№ 1 (33).2017. С.407-411.

2..Shuakayev,M.K., Nazarbekova, S.T. Problem Realization For Class Nonlinear  Deterministic System Of Polynomial Type. Вестник Жезказганского университета имени О. А. Байконурова. Научный журнал. № 1 (33). 2017. С.412-416.

3.Shuakayev, M.K., Nazarbekova S.T.,NazarbekovaК.T. Use Topographic Charts In Botanical .

4. Е.О.Омаров. Сочинения. Составители: ШуакаевМ.К., А.Шаяхмет, изд - воФолиант, Астана, 483 с., 2017 ( monografy). 5.

ABOUT SOLUTION OF CLASS OF SINGULARBILINEARSTOCHASTIC SYSTEMS WITH SMAGULOV`S CONDITION Presented в журнал «Вестник КазНПУ им.Абая» (Серия «Физико-математическиенауки») подтверждает, чтов № 2(70)за 2020 годпринятакпубликации.

6.Shuakayev,M.K., Teaching of Omarov`s and Mealy`s automations for students of natural speсialities // ВестникКазНПУимениАбая. Серия «Физико-математическиенауки», №2 (66). - Алматы, 2019. - С. 280-285; Shuakayev, M.K.,Nazarbekova, S.T. About One Approach For  Describing Of  Structure Of The  Technical Educational  Processes Of The Cals - Technologies. Вестник Жезказганского университета имени О. А. Байконурова. Научный журнал.№ 1 (33).2017. С.407-411.



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