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Kaster Sarkytkan

Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor, general experience of work 26 years, experience of work on speciality 24 years.

The theme of research: Economic-geographic foundations of developments integration and competitiveness of Kazakhstan in the world economic space

Teaching discipline:

«The paradigm of modern geographical science», «The urban geography», «Actual problems of economic, social and political geography», «Geography of innovative sectors of the world economy», «Organize and management of natural resource», «Geographic bases of competitiveness of the country the world», «History and methodology of geographic science», «TGeo-economics and the strategic development of Kazakhstan», «Geography of Globalization», «Constructive Geography», «The integration and problem of globalization of the contemporary world», «The Economics of tourism», «Forecasting and modeling in geography», «Regional problems of development of Kazakhstan», «Geoecology», «The geography of culture»

Achievements: has Scientific, educational and spiritually about 150 articles。 6 teaching and instructive material.

Refresher training:

1. The project "Business Advisor", the Ministry of economic development and trade of Kazakhstan, 11-12.10.2012, Almaty

2. Upon completion of the 10 day internship at the University of Pecs in Hungary between November 13-22, 2014

3. The programme of training teachers, MES RK, JSC "CRK " Orleu", 07-29.11.2015

4. "Teaching Techniques Development" held from 11/18/2015 to 11/27/2015 . The University of Valencia in Spain

5. KazNPU named after Abai, "competitiveness of the National economy" 14.11.- 03.12. 2013

Sphere of scientific interests:

International economic relations, Economy and business, The urban geography, Geopolitics, Geo-Economics, Kazakh Diaspora abroad, The relationship of Religion and Traditions, The geographical basis of economic competition.




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