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Bulshekbayeva Assem Isayevna



Bulshekbayeva Assem was born on May 14, 1983 in the village of Ungurtas, Zhambyl district, Almaty region. Education: higher.

In 2000, she entered the philological faculty of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, in 2004 she graduated from this university, having received the bachelor`s degree "philologist, teacher of the Kazakh language and literature" (diploma with honors).

In 2004, she entered the master`s program of the Kazakh Women`s Pedagogical Institute in the specialty "pedagogy and psychology", in 2006 she received an academic master`s degree in "pedagogy and psychology" (diploma with honors).

In 2011, she entered the PhD program in the specialty "6D010300 - Pedagogy and Psychology" at the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, from which she graduated from this university in 2014. On November 19, 2014, she defended her dissertation at the Council for the Defense of a doctoral dissertation of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai and on April 1, 2015, by the decision of the Committee for Control in the Field of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, she received a diploma in the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the specialty 6D010300-Pedagogy and Psychology (order No. 420, 1.04.2015).

The Hirsch index (h-index) included in the database of the company Scopus - 1.

According to the research work of Assem Bulshekbayeva, more than 100 scientific papers have been published in domestic and foreign publications.



Educational institution


End date

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Philologist. Teacher of Kazakh language and literature


Registration number 3157

Kazakh State Women`s Pedagogical Institute

Master of Pedagogy and Psychology


Registration number 5

Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the specialty 6D010300- Pedagogy and Psychology




Name of the academic degree

Field of science

Date of issue of the diploma

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the specialty 6D010300- Pedagogy and Psychology

6D010300- Pedagogy and Psychology

13.00.01 general pedagogy history of pedagogy and education

01.04.2015 order No.420





Name of the scientific title

Date of assignment

acting associate professor


13.00.01 general pedagogy history of pedagogy and education



Bachelor course:

Social pedagogy, Fundamentals of project activity, Methods of socio-pedagogical counseling, History of pedagogy and social pedagogy, Pedagogical animation, Ethnopedagogy,

Master`s degree:

Pedagogical qualimetry, Methods of experimental work in pedagogical research, Psychological and pedagogical support of inclusive education.


SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY - research topics, number of publications

Жоғары оқу орнынан кейінгі білім беру жағдайында тұлғаның дүниетанымдық мәдениетін қалыптастыру мәселелері. Монография. ЖК «Әрекет-принт». Алматы, 2018 ж. - 144 б.

Жоғары оқу орнынан кейінгі білім беру үдерісінің тұлғаның дүниетанымдық мәдениетін қалыптастыру әлеуеті Наука и жизнь КазахстанаҚазақстанның ғылымы мен өмірі №2(57). - Алматы, 2018.  -  Б.95-98.

 Тұлға теориясы - тұлғаның дүниетанымдық мәдениетінің мазмұны. Наука и жизнь КазахстанаҚазақстанның ғылымы мен өмірі №2(57). - Алматы, 2018.  -  Б.98-101.

Педагогическая и мировоззренческая культура педагога. Вестник КазНПУ им. Абая. Серия «педагогические науки» №1(61). - Алматы, 2019.  -  Б.25-28.

Болашақ педагогтарды даярлауда гуманистік бағыттың ерекшеліктері

Вестник КазНПУ им. Абая. Серия «педагогические науки» №1(61). - Алматы, 2019.  -  Б.201-204.


SCIENTIFIC AND METHODOLOGICAL ACTIVITY - research topics, number of publications

Жиенбаева С.Н., Бекмағамбетова Р.К., Сыздықбаева А.Ж., Булшекбаева А.И. Мектепке дейінгі педагогика. Оқу құралы.  Алматы: «Альманах» баспасы», 2018. - 269 б.

Жиенбаева С.Н., Бекмағамбетова Р.К., Сыздықбаева А.Ж., Булшекбаева А.И. Мектепке дейінгі педагогика. Электронды оқулық. Программа для ЭВМ «Smart Kitap», 2018.



Holder of the badge "OZAT PEDAGOG" No. 0301 (2020).

Badge "90 years of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai" dated 13.12.2018 No. 644.



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