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Bekbaeva Mariyam Temirgalievna
Bekbaeva Mariyam Temirgalievna
SHORT AUTOBIOGRAPHY Born on 14.09.1981 in Kostanay region. In 1997. she graduated from S. Seifullin high school. In 1998-2001. she studied at the Almaty pedagogical college No. 2. In2001-2003. she studied at the Almaty University named after Abai. In 2003-2005гг.she studied for a master`s Degree at the Abai Kazakh national University.
Higher education
TEACHING DISCIPLINES Primary school pedagogy,
SCIENTIFICACTIVITY - Deals with the problem of developing cognitive activity of primary school children. He has about 30 scientific papers.
SCIENTIFIC AND METHODOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES - Bekbaeva M. T. General basics of preschool pedagogy. Training manual, 2019.
REWARDS 1. In 2019. awarded the jubilee medal in honor of the 90th anniversary of KazNPU named after Abai`s. 2. In 2023 awarded the medal "Best Young Scientist-2023" of the CIS for her contribution to the development of science and education (Astana)
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