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Myrzataуeva Zabira Balabekovna


Myrzataуeva Zabira Candidate of Historical Sciences, Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University. Professor, the most ambitious projects were carried out as part of the programs: "People in the stream of history" (2014-2016), "History and culture of the Great Steppe" (2018-2020), etc.

Scientific direction: the activity of the colonial administration of tsarist Russia in Kazakhstan (ХІХ- beginning of ХХ centuries); Oral history; sociocultural identity of residents of single-industry towns of Kazakhstan, etc. Author of several scientific works and publications in international and national publications (co-author of about 30 monographs, study guides, scientific collections, 2 documentaries, author of 80 scientific articles and about 100 in-depth historical interviews.

He teaches the disciplines "formation of national and state identity: historical and evolutionary model", "Methodology and theory of social history research", "History of everyday life of Kazakh society (XIX-XX)", "Teaching" oral history "in school" (2019). Developed courses, preparing and issuing complex scientific-methodical materials, which includes the textbook «Айтылған тарих дерекқорын құру және оны құжаттау» (2017), «Магистрлік диссертация: жазу методикасы, рәсімдеу ережелері, қорғау тәртібі» (2011), «Өлкетануға кіріспе» (2020).


Educational institution

Educational institution


End Date

Kazakh National State University named afterAl Farabi

The historian



Academic degree

Name of the scientific degree

Field of science

Date of issue of the diploma

Candidate of Historical Sciences

Historian, social studies



Name of the academic title

Name of the academic title

date of assignment

2017 г.  KazNPU named after Abai


Readable disciplines

1. The modern history of Kazakhstan;

2. The spiritual culture of the Kazakh people;

3.Socium of Kazakhs of the XYIII century. - beginning XX in:

4. Formation of national and state identity: historical and evolutionary model;

5. Methodology and theory of research of social history;

6. The history of everyday life of the Kazakh society (XIX century. - XX century.);

7. Teaching Oral History at School


Research projects and research

1. 2009-2011 - A participant in the scientific project "The History of Everyday Life under Stalinism in the Context of the Eurasian Historical Context (1920-1950), a grant from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan at KazNPU named after Abai

2. 2014 - Project: "My Way in Science" 2014 g. Contract No. 12, grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan at KazNPU Abay.

3. 2014 - "The Republic of Kazakhstan: the formation of state and national identity (on the example of the city of Almaty and Almaty region)" Contract No. 4 dated March 1, 2014, grant of the rector of KazNPU named after Abay

4. 2014 - "Zhambyl region during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945)" 2014-2015. Agreement No. 171 (2014 Kazakhstan-Zheltosan), grant Office of Internal Policy of the Akimat

2014 - "Zhambyl region during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945)" 2014-2015 Agreement No. 67 (Sәyr-Mamyr).

5. 2015 - "The History of the Formation of State Identity in Kazakhstani Society (Historical and Anthropological Approach)", grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan at KazNPU im. Abai

6. 2015 - "Research Center" Aitylkhan Tarikh "(Oral History). "The everyday life of the era of socialism in the memory of the Soviet generation", a grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan in KazNPU named after Abai and etc

2016 - "Research Center" Aitylkhan Tarikh ". (Oral history). "The phenomenon of Soyevsky labor", a grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan in KazNPU named after Abai and etc

7. Participant of the project "Sociocultural identity of single-industry towns of Kazakhstan: on the example of Aschysay-Kentau. 1927-XXI beginning of century (January 03, 2019, Agreement No. 7/2019-ПЦФ);

8. "The formation and transformation of national and state identities of scientific schools of Kazakhstan (XX-XXI centuries)" (01/03/2019 J. contract No. 7/2019



1.The concept of eurasism and the development of strategic partnership in contemporary history

of the republic of Kazakhstan //Man India. - 2016. V.96. - Iss.12. - P.5657-5667

2.Historical analysis of the stste religious policy and the post - soviet space (by the

example of Kazakhstan) // Man India. - 2017. V.97(25). -  P.247-261

3.Myrzataeva Zabira, etc. Mobilization of language as an indicator of ethnic

identity in the social practices of Kazakhs in Mongolia. // OPCION, Maracaibo-Venezuela - 2019.( 288-299)

4.Features and prospects of ethnocultural identity of the Kazakh diaspora in China//

Opcion, UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA, VenezuelaVol. 36, Núm. 91 (2020), 1405-1421


Awards and achievements (example, best teacher, year)

She was awarded a jubilee medal for her contribution to the development of the university. (90th anniversary Abay University);

Diploma for 2016

Diploma for 2018

Diploma for 2019



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