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   Главная / Khalikovа Gulira Zamanbekovna

Khalikovа Gulira Zamanbekovna



1988-1995 - Researcher at the Y. Altynsarin Scientific Research Institute of Pedagogical Sciences;

1995-1998 Senior Lecturer of the Department of Informatics and Applied Mathematics, Abai Almaty State University;

1998 - 2007 Associate Professor of the Department of Informatics and Applied Mathematics;

Since 2007, professor at the Department of Informatics and Informatization of Knowledge, Abai KazNPU

1995 - Candidate of Pedagogical sciences in the speciality theory and history of pedagogy, Ethno pedagogy.



Educational Institution


date of completion


Abai KazPI (currently Abai KazNPU)

teacher of physics and mathematics, specialization in physics




Name of the academic degree

Field of science

date of issue of the diploma


candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

13.00.01 - Theory and history of pedagogy, ethnopedagogy




Name of the academic title

date of assignment


Docent Pedagogy




1. Information and communication technologies, 1st year - MPhI Institute, FEK 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, IA;

Institute of History and FL- History 101, 102, History-Geography - 101, 102, 103, History-Religious Studies, Digital History, political science

2. Digital technologies in education - Institute of History and EP - History 301302, History - Science, History - Religious Studies - 3 courses.

3. Research work of a Bachelor`s student - 4 course

4. Research work of a master`s student - Master`s Degree



Direction of research: informatization of education, professional training of future teachers, formation of research and digital competencies among students.

The number of publications: author of more than 235 scientific papers, including 2 monographs, 4 copyright certificates confirming intellectual property, author of about 50 textbooks and teaching aids, 4 articles in rating journals included in the Scopus and Thomson Reuters databases.

1. A. Yerimbetova, A. Ibraimkulov,K. Khalikova & G. Skabayeva. Supporting the development of digital literacy skills for students with disabilities//World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education (WTE&TE), vol. 20, №2, 2022 //SiteScore 2.6, процентиль 74

2.   Aibek Ibraimkulov,  Kulira Khalikova, Aigerim Yerimbetova, Konrad Gromaszek. Enhancement of Digital Literacy of Students with Disabilities// European Journal of Contemporary Education. 2022. 11(2): 388-407. DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2022.2.388

3. Білім беруді цифрлық жүйеге көшірудің өзекті мәселелері// Абай ат.ҚазҰПУ хабаршысы. Педагогикалық ғылымдар сериясы//№3(67), 2020. - 41-49 беттер
4. Халықова Г.З. Кәсіби даярлау процесінде студенттердің сын тұрғысынан ойлауын дамыту мәселелері// Абай ат.ҚазҰПУ хабаршысы. Педагогикалық ғылымдар сериясы. - №1(65), 2020. 101-106 беттер
5. Халықова Г.З., ИдрисовС.Н., Маликова Н.Т., Азат Г.Python тілінде программалау негіздері//Оқу құралы, Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ жанындағы ҚР БҒМ РОӘК «Педагогикалық ғылымдар» - Алматы, ЖШС «Лантар Трейд»: 2022. -
316 бет.


- "The Best University teacher-2007" of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan,

- "The best university teacher-2012" of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan,

- Honorary Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2020);

- Full member of the International Academy of Information Technologies,

- Full member of the European Academy of Natural Sciences,

- Professor of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.




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