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Isaeva Zhaksygul Ibadullaevna
Isaeva Zhaksygul Ibadullaevna
A BRIEF AUTOBIOGRAPHY In 2004, she entered the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai on the specialty "Kazakh language and literature", in 2008 she graduated from this educational institution. In 2009, she entered the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University with a degree in "6M010300 - Pedagogy and Psychology" and graduated in 2011. Currently, I am a senior lecturer in the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology. I have more than 10 published scientific papers. I am engaged in scientific and teaching activities.
TEACHING DISCIPLINES Bachelor`s Degree Program: Prevention of deviations in the behavior of students, Psychology, Psycho-pedagogical foundations of mediation, Methods of teaching psychology, educational measurement, Age, education, Create adaptive educational inclusive environment, developmental Psychology and developmental psychology, Social psychology, the basics of professional leadership, Technology based assessment, Psychology, critical thinking, Psychological counselling in the work of educational psychologist, educational Technology, teaching measurement criteria-based assessment of students achievements.
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