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Abiyr Karlygash Engebaikyzy
Abiyr Karlygash Engebaikyzy
BRIEF AUTOBIOGRAPHY She was born on 23.08.1980 in Karasaz village of Raiymbek district of Almaty region. Philologist. Graduated from the faculty of "Kazakh language and literature"of ASUnamed after Abai (1997-2001). Graduated from the Department of master`s degree of ASUnamed after Abai (2001-2003). Master`s degree, senior lecturer. Teacher of Kazakh language and literature at Kazakh secondary school No. 126 and No. 149 in Almaty (2001-2004). Teacher of the Department of languages of the Kazatiso Academy of Almaty (2012-2014). Teacher of the Department of Kazakh language and literature named after academician S. KirabayevKazNPU named after Abai(2004-present). He has more than 80 published scientific papers. Combines scientific and teaching activities.
TEACHING DISCIPLINES (list by level of training) Undergraduate studies: Undergraduate courses: Eastern literature, literature of the XIX century, literary analysis of the literary text, oral folk literature, modern Kazakh literature.
SCIENTIFIC AND METHODOLOGICAL ACTIVITY Theory and methodology of teaching and upbringing: problems of teaching the Kazakh language and literature in the system of secondary and higher education. More than 80 scientific articles and textbooks have been published. Of these, the author`s community has 4 textbooks, 1-a collection of exercises, 2-guidelines, 5-electronic textbooks. One article was published in the SKOPUS international database of journals: "Modern literature epic character" (typological common motive of the universal folklore) Opcion, (Venesuella), Ano 35, Dec. 2019, Regular No.24: 1573-1584 ISSN 1012-1587/ISSNe: 2477-9385 (Epic hero in modern literature (based on typological common motifs in world folklore).
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