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Kuanyshbayeva Zhazira Zhaylaubekovna



Kuanyshbaeva Zhazira Zhailaubekovna was born in 1982 in the city of Sarkand, Almaty region. 

In 1999-2003 she graduated from the Bachelor`s degree, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. From 2003 to 2005, she pursued her master`s degree at the Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev. At the end of the program, she earned a master`s degree in political science.

In 2004, she began her career at KazNTU named after K.I. Satpayev. From 2010 to 2013, she continued her doctoral studies at the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai. In 2015, she successfully defended her thesis. By order of the Committee for Control in the Field of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in May 2016, she was awarded a PhD degree in Philosophy.

Since September 2019, she has been working at the Department of Political Science and Socio-Philosophical Disciplines of the Institute of History and Law at Abai KazNPU.



Educational institution


End date

KazNU named after al-Farabi


Bachelor`s degree in Archaeology and Ethnology, history teacher.


KazNTU  named after  K. I. Satpayev

Master`s degree in political Science


KazNPU named after Abai

6D050200-political Science (PhD) doctor of philosophy




Name of the academic degree

Area of science

Date of graduation

(PhD) doctor of philosophy

6D050200-political Science




Politology (socio-political knowledge module)

Theoretical sociology

Analysis of sociological data using the SPSS package

Theory and methodology of sociological research

Political systems and regimes

Ethnic structure and national policies



1. Nationale und gesamtgesellschaftliche Werte in der multinationalen kasachstanischen Gesellschaft // Politische, soziologische und rechtliche Probleme der Gesellschaftsentwicklung Kasachstans. Verlag Dr.köster Berlin, 2013.  

2. Peculiarities of the Formation of National Identity of the Kazakh Diaspora / Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research. Volume 14, 2013.

3. Dual education conditions for pedagogical bases of specialists inclusive training / Cypriot Journal of Educational Science. (2022).  17(3), 765-771.

4. Формирование навыков социальной коммуникации у студентов медицинского факультета в системе профессионального образования. Опыт Республики Казахстан  / Кардиоваскулярная терапия и профилактика. 2023; 22(2S):3616.


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