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Amangeldin Aibek Amangeldiuly



I am, Amangeldin Aibek Amangeldiuly, was born on March 23, 1997 in the village of  Borankul, Beineu district, Mangistau region.

In 2003, he entered the 1st grade of Opornaya high school, and graduated in 2014.

In 2014-2018, he studied at the undergraduate Institute of mathematics, physics and computer science of the Abay Kazakh national pedagogical University.

In 2018-2020, he studied at the master`s program of KazNPU. Abai`s.

Since September 2020, she got a job as a teacher at the Department of Informatics and Informatization of education of the Institute of mathematics, physics and Informatics of Abai KazNPU.



Educational institution



Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University

Bachelor of Education in 050703 - Information system


Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University

Master of pedagogics in  6М060200 - Computer Science




Information and communication technologies

Educational robotics and mechatronics

Algorithms and data structures

System programming

Design, automation and programming of robots

Fundamentals of Robotics Programming

Object-oriented programming

Robotics and artificial intelligence

Technology of computer modeling of graphic objects



1. The importance of using geoinformation technologies: Republican scientific and methodological pedagogical journal "Bilim times", No. 12-2 (34)2019 (Almaty, 2019)/ Zhanbyrbai A. B., A. A. Amangeldin

2. Amangeldin A.A., TECHNICAL AND SOFTWARE TOOLS OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES. XXVII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Multidisciplinary academic research and innovation", May 25-28, 2021, 368-374 p, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

3. Амангелдин А.А., Елубай Г.Б., Мұқан Ә. THE USE OF ICT IN DISTANCE LEARNING. Научный журнал «Инновации. Наука. Образование» 2 Индексация в РИНЦ, номер 46, стр. 1659-1665 ноябрь, 2021.

4. Елубай Г.Б., Амангелдин А.А., Қуанова Ә. Әл-Фараби бойынша арифметикалық-музыкалық құзырлылық, профессор А.Көбесовтың 90 жылдығына арналған Халықаралық ғылыми тәжірибелік конференция, жинақ, 151-155 б., 2022 жыл.

5. Амангелдин А.А., Елубай Г.Б., Шармуханбет С.Р., Білім алушылардың арифметикалық - музыкалық құзырлылығын қалыптастыруда АКТ-ны қолдану, Хамметов Асылбек Хамметұлының мерейлі 80 жасқа толуына арналған «Ғылым мен білім берудегі сандық трансформация» атты республикалық ғылыми-тәжірибелік конференция, жинақ, 192-196 б., 2023

6. Амангелдин А.А., Елубай Г.Б., Анализ состояния робототехнического образования в стране и в мире, Научный журнал «Обществознание и социальная психология» Выпуск №7-2 (51) (июль) 2023



1. «Educational and methodological support for the use of digital resources in the conditions of distance learning", the executor of the scientific project for young scientists of KazNPU named after Abaya, 2020-2021.

2. Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan within the framework of grant research: №AP19579496 executor of the scientific project «Development of a mobile application for teaching robotics to students of Kazakh secondary school», 2023-2026.



«The best teacher 2022» of NAO KazNPU named after Abai

«The best teacher 2023» of NAO KazNPU named after Abai



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