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   Главная / Issayeva Gulnara Bostanovna

Issayeva Gulnara Bostanovna





Born in the Alakol district in the city of Usharal on October 26, 1969. Graduated from Abai High School in 1987. Studied at the Zhetysu State Pedagogical Institute named after. Ilyas Zhansugurova, successfully graduated from this educational institution in 1992.

She worked in schools, colleges and universities as a bachelor.

In 2010 she received a Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences degree from the Academy of Education and Science. Y. Altynsarina, specialty 130001 - general pedagogy and ethnopedagogy.

Best University Teacher 2017

Since September 1, 2014, she worked as the head of the Department of Automation and Computer Science at the Caspian Public University.

Combines scientific and teaching activities.

Since September 1, 2023, she has been working as an acting Associate Professor of the Department of Methods of Teaching Mathematics, Physics and Informatics of the Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics of KazNPU named after Abai.




Educational Institution


Graduation Date

Zhetysu State Pedagogical University named after I. Zhansugurova



Academy of Science and Education named after Y. Altynsarin

Сandidate of pedagogical sciences





Name of academic degree

Field of science

Date of issue of diploma

Сandidate of pedagogical sciences

130001 - general pedagogy and ethnopedagogy.




In the bachelor`s program: Methodology for solving complex problems, Methodology for solving problems of increased difficulty.

In the master`s program: Current problems of modern physics, Methods of general physics, Methods of forming fundamental concepts when solving physical problems, Methods of computer modeling of physical processes.



I teach mathematics at school and pedagogical university. I am the author of more than 50 published scientific articles, 2 monographs, 3 electronic textbooks and 15 teaching aids used in the educational process, holder of 5 copyright certificates.


Science articles:

- О дискретных неравенствах\  Известия национальной академии наук РК, 4.(308). Серия Физико-математическая, июль-август,2016г,

- Модификацияланған алс лигносульфонатты реагентін  зерттеу\Известия национальной академии наук РК, 6.(310). Серия Физико-математическая, июль-август,2016г

- Анализ исследования реагентов для плотностью раствора при проведении освоении пласта\ Известия национальной академии наук РК, 6.(420). Серия - Геологии и технических наук , июль-август,2016г, Скопус,

- Виртуалды машина және виртуалды машина ерекшеліктері мен виртуалдану деңгейлері жайлы жалпы мәселелері,\ Известия национальной академии наук РК, 6.(310). Серия Физико-математическая, июль-август,2017г,

-  Программалау оқытуда қолданылатын оқыту технологияларының ерекшеліктері\ Известия национальной академии наук РК, 1.(311). Серия Физико-математическая, июль-август,2017г

- Изучение состояния водоисточников Жонгар-Алатауского и Алтынемельского Национальных Природных Парков Алматинской области Республики Казахстан\ Известия национальной академии наук РК, Серия - Геологии и технических наук , июль-август,2020г, Скопус 4 (442)JULY - AUGUST 2020,

- Сорбционные характеристики модифицированного комплекса из природных адсорбентов цеолита и бентонита,  Известия национальной академии наук РК, Серия - Геологии и технических наук , июль-август,2020г, Скопус. 4 (442) JULY - AUGUST 2020).

- Research and development methods of a software system for the integrated analysis of meteorological data // Научный журнал - Вестник КазАТК, 2023. № 3(126). - 292-305 б..

- Исследование вращательного движения твердого тела с использованием вычислительного комплекса mathcad // Научный журнал - Вестник КазАТК № 4 (132), 2023, c. 122-133, DOI 10.52167/1609-1817.

- Вычисление физических расчетов с использованием компьютера в вузе // Научный журнал - Вестник КазАТК,  (№ 4 (132), 2023, c. 225-235, DOI 10.52167/1609-1817.

- Использование информационно-коммуникационных технологий в курсе физики в педагогических вузах // Научный жуал. Доклады НАН РК, 172Volume 4, C.61-80 № 4.

- Повышение профессиональной подготовки будущих учителей физики по курсу преподавания «Молекулярная физика» //  Научный журнал. Доклады НАН РК, № 4 (135), 2023, c. Том 348, c.126-137. . 172Volume 4

- Обучение курсу физики по специальности «автомобиль и автомобильное хозяйство» в соответствии с современными требованиями// Научный журнал. Доклады НАН РК, № 4 (135), 2023, c. 172Volume 4, Том 348, c.224-233.

- Қазақстанда stem білім беру әдістемесін дамытуда «білім керуені» ұйымының тәжірибесі  //  Том 4 № 130(2023): Вестник университета Ясави, c.278-283.


Articles published in a journal with Scopus Impact Factor:

- The analysis of the research of reagents for simplification of solution density when carrying out layer development// News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. ISSN: 22245278 Volume 6, Issue 420, 2016, -Pages 173-177. (Scopus).

-  Contemporary period of civilized society development is characterized the process of informatization//International Journal of Applied Engineering Research. ISSN: 09734562. Volume 11, Issue 2, 1 March, - India 2016, -Pages 955-957. (Scopus).

- The efficiency of district heating systems in conditions of joint use of heat pumps// News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. ISSN: 22245278. Volume 3, Issue 430, 2018, -Pages 201-207. (Scopus).

-  Methods and tools for development a hybrid and information control systems of technological complex//News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. ISSN: 22245278. Volume 1, Issue 427, 2018, -Pages 118-126. (Scopus).

- Directions of studying the process oxides formation of the pyrolysis of ekibastus coal dust//News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. ISSN: 22245278. Volume 1, Issue 427, 2018, -Pages 144-149 (Scopus).

- Sorption characteristics of zeolite and bentonite natural adsorbents modified complex//News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. ISSN: 22245278. Volume 4, Issue 442, 2020, -Pages 138-146. (Scopus).

- Research on the quality of natural water of zhongar-alatau and altynemel national natural parks of the almaty region, Republic of Kazakhstan//News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. ISSN: 22245278. Volume 4, Issue 442, 2020, -Pages 6-11. (Scopus).

- Determination of the Use of Internet of Things Technology in Educational Settings among University Students// International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learningthis link is disabled. Volume 17, Nomber 18. -Vienna 2022, -Pages. 76-88. (Scopus). Q1, Процентиль 83.


Training manual

- Methodical instructions to laboratory works for the discipline «Computer networks» for a specialty «Computer science», Оқулық-Алматы-2016ж, Veda Press баспасы.

- Жаңа ақпараттық технологиялардың негізінде оқытудың техникалық құралдарын пайдалану әдістемесі, Оқу құралы  -2016ж, 94 б, Алматы. Veda Press баспасы.

- Ақпараттық технологияларды пайдалану арқылы колледж оқушыларының білім сапасын арттыру, Монография -2017 год, 126 б, Алматы. Veda Press баспасы.

- Information and  Communication Technologies Practical6 Training Manual,142б. Алматы. Veda Press баспасы.2019ж.

- Computer simulation of catalytic properties of cobalt oxide surface. Монография 130 б. Veda Press баспасы.2019ж

- Физика курсынан зертханалық практикум. Оқу құралы,136б, 8,75 б.т, 2020ж, Колледде және мектептің жоғарғы  сыныптарында кәсіптік-бағдарлы оқытудың негізгі бағыттары, Оқу құралы, 2023ж,177б. 11,12 б.т.



Best University Teacher 2017


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