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Batyrkhanova Assel Kalmakhankyzy



Batyrkhanova Assel Kalmakhankyzy, was born on February 22, 1994 in the city of Turkestan, Turskestan region. Nationality-Kazakh. In 2011, she graduated from secondary school No.42

In 2011, she entered the Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages, specializing in " 6B02201-Oriental Studies ".

During she studies, she tried to actively participate in the student life of the faculty. She graduated from the university in 2015 and received her bachelor`s degree.

In 2015, she entered the master`s program at the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, majoring in "6M020600 - Religious Studies". In 2017, after completing his master`s degree, she received a master`s degree in humanities sciences..

Since 2020, she has been working at the Abai KazNPU, at the Department of Political Science and Socio-Philosophical Disciplines of the Institute of History and Law.



Educational institution


End date

KazUIR&WL named after Ablai Khan

Bachelor`s Degree


KazNPU named after Abai

Master of Humanity Sciences





History of world religions

Ethics and aesthetics




1."Spiritual traditions - the origins of the national mentality" // KazNPU im. Abay. Bulletin from the series "Sociology and Political Science" №3 (55). - Almaty, 2016 .-- S. 84-86.

2."Tengrianism and shamanistic beliefs in our spiritual tradition" // Materials of the international scientific-practical conference "Philosophical and socio-humanitarian problems of religion in modern society", dedicated to the memory of Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Academician K.Sh. Shulembaeva. -Almaty, 2017.-40-45 p.

3."Beliefs in traditional art" // Materials of the international scientific-practical conference "Development of world historical science: lessons of history and alternatives" Department of World History, Institute of History and Law of KazNPU named after Abay. -Almaty, 2017 .-- S. 318-320


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