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Sadykova Anel Bolatovna




Anel Bolatovna Sadykova graduated from the Abai Almaty State University in 2001 with a degree in Psychology, in 2009 she graduated from the postgraduate course in code 19.00.07. KazNPU named after Abai, in 2013 she graduated from the magistracy of KazNPU named after Abai in the specialty "6M010300 - Pedagogy and psychology", in 2014 she graduated from the magistracy of the Kazakh National Women`s Pedagogical University with a degree in "6M010300 - Pedagogy and psychology".

has more than 60 scientific works, including 9 monographs and study guides in co-authorship



Educational Institution

Qualifications Graduation



Almaty State University named after Abai

practical psychologist


Kazakh National Pedagogical University Postgraduate studies

19.00.07 Pedagogical psychology


Kazakh National Pedagogical University Master`s degree in "Pedagogy and Psychology"


Master of Pedagogical Sciences




Title of the academic degree

Field of science

Date of issue of the diploma


Master of Science in Education Psychology

Pedagogical Sciences

June 6, 2013




Bachelor`s Courses: Psychology (in English), Differential Psychology, Psychology of individual differences, Developmental Psychology, Psychological Service in Social Spheres, Modern Psychological Practices, Psychology of Conflict.


SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY - research topics, number of publications (indicate 5 significant). Research topic: The image of the world of students with different cognitive styles.

An experimental study of the psychological health of student youth. PUBLISHING HOUSE SSU Journal "Psychology of Education" issue number 02.2012, 46-54, 9 pp. 0.5 pp. RSCI 0.097 Co-authors Namazbaeva Zh.I.
Psychological aspects of national education of student youth. PUBLISHING HOUSE SSU Journal "Psychology of Education" RSCI 0.122 issue # 08.2012, 12 pp. 0.8 pp. co-author Namazbaeva Zh.I.
Experimental study of the image of the world of students using projective methods PUBLISHING HOUSE SSU Journal "Psychology of Education", issue No. 03.2013 60-69, 10 pp. 0.6 pp. RSCI 0.0157
Study of the image of the world of students with the help of personality-oriented methods Bulletin of KazNPU named after Abai Series "Psychology" No. 3 (36), Almaty, 2013, 16-25, 10 pp. 0.7 pp.
Scientific and practical foundations of the psychological support of the modern educational process. Monograph Almaty, ed. "Ulagat" KazNPU named after Abai, 2014, - 170 p. 10.6 co-author Namazbaeva Zh.I.


SCIENTIFIC AND METHODOLOGICAL ACTIVITY - research topics, number of publications (indicate 5 significant). Research topic: Innovative psychotechnology and the intellectual and creative potential of the individual.

1. To the question of the development of a creative intellectual personality. KazNPU Bulletin Series "Psychology" №2 (31) 2012 Almaty Co-authors Namazbaeva Zh.I. Karakulova Z.Sh.

2. Methodical complex of techniques, methods, technologies Bulletin of KazNPU named after Abai Series "Psychology" No. 2, (special issue) Almaty, 2013, 89-102, 14 pp. 0.9 pp.

3. Psychological foundations of the development of a creative intellectual personality in the educational environment. " Monograph - Almaty: - publishing house "ULAGAT", 2012, 14.5 pp. Coauthors Praliev S.Zh. Namazbaeva Zh.I., Karakulova Z.Sh.

4. "Innovative psychotechnologies and educational psychological programs" "Ulagat" KazNPU named after Abai, 2018 Namazbayev Zh.I. The manual, together with the UNESCO Chair, systematized methodological recommendations on the problems of introducing innovative technologies in the university.

5. Development of a creative intellectual personality. Study guide. - Almaty: - publishing house "Ulagat", 2013, - 120 p. 8 pp


November 27, 2019 Medal for the 75th anniversary of the KNK them. Kurmangazy KNK them. Kurmangazy Kazakhstan


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